Tired of being called a skiddie? Get god status on irc with this script loaded on xchat!
__module_name__ = "L33t 5cr1pt"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "Nuisance"
__module_author__ = "Jay a.k.a. b0whunter"
import xchat
def leet(word, word_eol, userdata):
if len(word) < 2:
print "Second argument must be the message!"
s = word_eol[1]
s = s.replace("A", "4")
s = s.replace("a", "4")
s = s.replace("E", "3")
s = s.replace("e", "3")
s = s.replace("I", "1")
s = s.replace("i", "1")
s = s.replace("O", "0")
s = s.replace("o", "0")
s = s.replace("S", "5")
s = s.replace("s", "5")
xchat.command("msg #channel %s" % s)
return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("leet", leet, help="/leet <message> Sends message to your minions in the channel")
print "l33t 5cr1pt l04d3d"
]I was saving it for april 1st, but oh well happy new year!