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Author Topic: [Release] FeebaS Skype Bot  (Read 3053 times)

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[Release] FeebaS Skype Bot
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:34:45 AM »

A python bot for Skype using the Skype4Py API.

This is a Skype bot I have put a lot of time in stabilizing and optimizing. The bot is multithreaded and uses the Skype4Py API.
I also include the sabeef bot, which is a mod for doing skype hacks.
A "ReadMe" file has been included in the download for most of the Feebas information and help.
The command for the bot are shown below :

Code: [Select]
- !chat : Information about the current chat.
- !help : Information about commands and usage.
- !info : Information about FeebaS Skype Bot.
- !isup    [URL] : Check if [URL] is down for everyone or just you.
- !list : List all files in the "text" directory.
- !load    [FILE] : Load [FILE] to the chat. (Do not have to type ".txt")
- !md5  [STRING] : Convert [STRING] to an MD5 hash.
- !tinyurl [URL] : Convert [URL] to a tinyurl.
- !topic   [NAME] : Set the current chat topic name to [NAME].

Code: [Select]
- !ass : Adds "in my ass" after every message.
- !ban    [NAME] : Kicks a user and bans them from being re-added.
- !global  [MSG] : Send [MSG] to every online contact.
- !lock : Lock feebas commands.
- !mute    [NAME] : Makes [NAME] unable to talk to chat.
- !party : Add every online contact to chat.
- !prank   [NAME] : Mute everyone except [NAME] for prank calls.
- !unass : Takes the chat out of your ass.
- !unban   [NAME] : Allow [NAME] to be re-added to the chat.
- !unlock : Unlock feebas commands.
- !unmute  [NAME] : Allow [NAME] able to talk and chat again.
- !unprank : Un-mute everyone again.
- !users : List of users and their roles.
- !wav    [FILE] : Play [FILE] in the chat. (Do not have to type ".wav")
- !wav list : List all files in the "wav" directory.

Code: [Select]
- !clear : Removes all messages from the chat.
- !giants : Remove all users from the chat and then leave.
- !info : Information about SabeeF Skype Bot.
- !flag : Send a randomly changing flag arry message.
- !flood [STRING] : Flood the chat with random, or random named skype users. ([STRING] is optional.)

Download and install the Skype4Py API. Run "" and type in "info" and "!help" to start using commands.

Note : Some commands can only be ran if you are the MASTER/CREATOR of the chat.
Type "/get role" to determine if you are the MASTER/CREATOR of the chat.

UPDATE: The Skype update for version 6.3 removed the option for chat moderation.
This means that in order for any command that involves editing a messgae, will
NOT work on versions 6.3 and above. This program has a lot of commands/features
that use the chat moderation ability, so in order to have Feebas function
properly, go here  and download a version
that is below 6.3 and install that.

UPDATE: Skype is now FORCING old versions to update. After a few prompts asking
you to update to the latest version, Skype may randomly end itself, and when
launched again, will be updated. If you are using an old version of Skype and
want to keep using that version, run the "disableUpdate.reg" file in the
program database.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2013, 05:31:44 PM by Kulverstukas »


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