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Author Topic: crap be broken. grrr  (Read 814 times)

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Offline Darkvision

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crap be broken. grrr
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:35:45 AM »
Ok some background. The laptop i just acquired had a known issue with the power button, you had to move the screen to very specific spot(s) to get it to make a connection, and it randomly shuts itself down(no bluescreen etc, just turns off).

sooo this morning i wake up and the comp is down, doesnt boot or even POST, so i figure its time to take it apart and fix it, i start with the power button while taking it out(carefully, it didnt snag on anything etc) the ground finally fully broke off.(its either 22 or 24 gauge wire, so REALLY small.) so i strip the sleeve back, strip the wires, and have myself a hot wired power button. weeee. well it fixed a few issues(comp wouldnt turn on without battery in it, or shut down by holding the button half the time, just wasnt making a solid enough connection) anyway, all that is fixed, still no POST. soooo onto step 2-20. i tried the RAM individually in both slots, reseated all cables/hardware, and replaced the CMOS battery with a known good. Still havent gotten it to POST(no beeps, or blinking lights, fans turn on, CD-drive turns on, HD does not spin.) Also their is no noticeable damage to boards/capacitors/dust

So the only other thing i can think of is trying to bake the MoBo for a few and see if that works...but just in case im forgetting something obvious(its happened before) i figured id toss this out and see if anyone has anything else i can try before baking the mobo. Also sorry this is a mess, but in a rush. Anyway any ideas?

instead of reading through/fixing my own cluster fuck, now that i have a few min i will just make a detailed list :P

does not POST.

What it DOES do:
Gets power/turns on.
Fans run, CD/DVD-ROM gets power(does not spin up), HD does not spin up orattempt to be accessed.

What i have done:
Ghetto rigged the power button.
Tested RAM individually in each slot
Reset all cables/hardware
Replaced CMOS battery with known good.

Only other thing i can think of:
bake the mobo...

Gateway(acer) NV53
Win 7

« Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 01:42:30 AM by Darkvision »
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Re: crap be broken. grrr
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 01:16:30 AM »
Is this an Acer Aspire?

Offline Snayler

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Re: crap be broken. grrr
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2013, 05:06:40 AM »
Remove the CMOS battery for some 20min. That should reset the BIOS config. It worked for me on a desktop a friend gave me to fix, which had the same problem (turns on but no POST).

EDIT: Actually 5min is enough, I just like to be sure and normally I use 20min.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2013, 05:07:38 AM by Snayler »


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