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Author Topic: FreeNAS - An open source network attached storage OS based on FreeBSD  (Read 708 times)

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Offline anarcotux

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FreeNAS is a free and open-source software network-attached storage (NAS) system based on FreeBSD and the ZFS file system. It is licensed under the terms of the BSD License and runs on commodity 32 and 64-bit x86 hardware. FreeNAS supports Windows, OS X and Unix clients and various virtualization hosts such as XenServer and VMware using the CIFS, AFP, NFS, iSCSI, SSH, rsync and FTP/TFTP protocols. Advanced FreeNAS features include full-disk cryptography and a plug-in architecture for 3rd party software.

I personally prefer the version 8.3.1 compared to 9.1.1 because it works very well on older computers with ram pc100/pc133 and small capacity.
For the data storage hard disk you can choose between ZFS and UFS flle system.
It's perfect to resurrect the old computers!!!

Here the website of FreeNAS Project:

Here the download page:

Here the Wiki Documentation:

Here the PDF guide about 8.3.1 version:

Here the PDF guide about 9.1.1 version:

Stay BSD!!! ^^
AnarcoTux -
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