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Author Topic: So, ready for WW3?  (Read 4517 times)

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Offline Nerotic7

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So, ready for WW3?
« on: August 28, 2013, 07:59:58 PM »
tl;dr for you all:

usa is going to bomb Syria, China and Russia have stated they will take military action against usa if usa does bomb syria, which will essentially cause ww3.

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2013, 08:17:00 PM »
Yeah I'm not surprised. Russia doesn't like NATO, they never did. Syria kind of brought the hellfire on themselves using the chemical weapons, that was seriously a stupid move.
We'll have to wait and see. I don't think WW3 will start this soon.

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 09:08:27 PM »
Well so far as my intel says they will "only" send a bunch of hellfire missiles from their ships to destroy their commando centers and ammunition depots.

WW3? No way that's going to start in the nearest future, it would have started with Libya then.

Russia doesn't like NATO? Hell fucking no, NATO is probably the last enemy I wish to have. A collection of some of the biggest military nations in the world.
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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2013, 10:18:55 PM »
Where are the news? I've been waiting for WW3 since North Korea announced they successfully conducted their latest nuclear test. Also, the world "crisis" points to a war, it has always been like this, it will always be.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 04:12:35 AM by Snayler »

Offline Getherer

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 10:46:32 PM »
Syria kind of brought the hellfire on themselves using the chemical weapons, that was seriously a stupid move.

I don't fully believe that Syria has used chemical weapons, sounds like another alibi to invade another country of far east, for materialistic reasons (oil, tactical purposes) as well as to close down towards far east and Russia to keep an eye on them.

They may be in possession of those weapons, but I don't think they, as the country officials have used it, if anything, some 'terrorist' or revolution groups have done so to cause this major harm. Who would bomb their own people to start up this whole thing with USA? Obviously either double agents working for USA or other groups allied to US and EU... If they are in possession though, we are in big trouble if anything happens, simply because world is corrupted and moving those weapons to EU or US would not be a massively hard thing to do... over time of course... which could start WW3... We aren't too far from another global war, it's been the longest term in official human existence within which we have lived in peace (I mean not total war, but other wars were always held all over the globe, many of which are unofficial)...

Odd alliances are being created between scientists, for example Germans seem to work with Japanese (Recently managed to teleport memory held within some sort of computerized circuit, some tiny one)

Also Russians seem to co-work with far-east, such as Syria...

I think it's quite plausible that WW3 comes within next 10 years if we keep walking this path...

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 10:49:13 PM »
I agree with Phage, I don't think anything like a WW3 can start soon. Russia and China wouldn't start launching ballistic missiles at U.S. territory just because the U.S. did a couple of tactical strikes in Syria.

I'm quite convinced neither of the parties want to unleash a potential nuclear war (cause let's be serious, all sides of the world own nuclear weapons that are not officially declared).

Offline Getherer

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2013, 10:54:18 PM »
I'm quite convinced neither of the parties want to unleash a potential nuclear war (cause let's be serious, all sides of the world own nuclear weapons that are not officially declared).

Sure, but better weapons than nuclear are being developed at all times, recently, I can't remember which country, probably US, were working on even more powerful weapons which were meant to be using Tritium, as far as I remember...

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2013, 11:30:45 PM »
Sure, but better weapons than nuclear are being developed at all times, recently, I can't remember which country, probably US, were working on even more powerful weapons which were meant to be using Tritium, as far as I remember...

Yeah I basically wanted to underline the fact that nuclear war can literally destroy life on the surface of the planet (intelligent life).

Also, tritium is used in nuclear weapons in order to: "enhance the efficiency and yield of fission bombs and the fission stages of hydrogen bombs in a process known as 'boosting' as well as in external neutron initiators for such weapons."

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2013, 12:58:11 AM »
Sure, but better weapons than nuclear are being developed at all times, recently, I can't remember which country, probably US, were working on even more powerful weapons which were meant to be using Tritium, as far as I remember...

The US has gotten rid of all of its old A bombs(to the best of my knowledge), while russia still has some of the old style bombs all modern nuclear bombs are thermonuclear, which use tritium, a radioactive material(hydrogen also why they are known as a hydrogen or H bomb). While it has a VERY short half life it IS still radioactive, meaning what you are describing would be a nuclear bomb.

While the US has some other very interesting bombs the only other bomb i know of that the US is building with tritium is a nuclear bunker-buster. As far as conventional bombs go the US already has its answer for a city buster(at least a small city, certainly any base, even a VERY large one) which is the MOAB(Massive Ordinance Arial Burst/Air Blast) which is a ~40k lbs bomb/11 tons TNT yield(our smaller nukes do 30-50 ton TNT yield as an idea). Russia supposedly has one more powerful but i dont know its weight/yield or hell even its name.

Anyway considering the incident(s) that have gotten the US into two different world wars, and what set them off, i dont see how anyone can be so optimistic as to say that this COULDNT start a world war. Wars have been fought for less :/. 

As for who gassed who lets hope the UN investigators find out. But frankly im not willing to take EITHER side at their word. Someone gassed someone, they DO need a lesson. I just hope the world teaches the lesson to the right people and that it doesnt start a war to end all wars....(as if that could ever happen while the human race survives...)

In the end what i know is this: whats going on over their scares the shit out of me. This very well COULD start a world war, and if so their are 0 guarantees it will stay conventional. Add to it that tensions are at a boiling point in several other countries over various things and this war could end up being a free for all. Israel has been at war since its inception, guaranteed IT gets into a major battle for its life. North/South Korea probably goes to war with the US/UN distracted. China if it gets involved makes a grab for Taiwan(damn near guaranteed) maybe goes after Japan, maybe goes after Russia, maybe all of the above. Russia if it gets involved....who the hell knows, their Russians. Analysts have been trying to predict what will happen in Russia with a damn near unlimited budget for the past 50 years, and have gotten more wrong that right, and we knew/know so many Russian secrets that even most of their own citizens dont know its not even funny. Even with MASSIVE amounts of inside information we couldnt predict them then, let alone now. In the end i really only see it going one of two ways. A small fast scirmish with a few missles fired or bombs dropped....or a giant fuck fest, and not the good kind either.
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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2013, 11:43:50 PM »

In my  honest opinion, this will probably not be a WW3 it will be an undeclared battle that will take place undercover, like many things under this country's power have been and conspired like the events in John F. Kennedy & Martin Luther King Jr.'s deaths. This event then when lead to a Domino Theory were one thing happens after another thus then leading up to a possible WW3.
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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2013, 12:22:29 AM »
British, don't care.

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2013, 09:10:09 AM »
I can say that WW3 is very near. I mean all of the ops conducted by the US have caused some stir in other countries. Anti-US sentiment is growing all over the world. PRISM, has caused a lot of Anti-US sentiment, particularly in the western world. Then the instability in Egypt and the threat of an attack on Syria is causing hatred in the Muslim World.
Apart from the US, tensions have increased all across the world. There is increased tension across the Pak-Indian LOC, with Mullah Omar threatening to declare war if attacks against Pakistan continue. Then there's the instability in Africa. It has become a very unstable region. Now the world's super powers are taking sides in the conflicts.
I will conclude, that if these tensions don't go down, we could be looking at a global conflict, which could go nuclear.

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2013, 06:45:06 PM »
It wouldn't surprise me if it started within 10 years. This poll I read said about 70 percent of Americans trust and justify all actions the US government does pertaining to war. One ignorant girl said 'they are leaders for a reason' or something along those lines. I live in the US but I don't agree with how it's run at all. The government here has been sticking their nose in other people's business for a long time now.  I understand the UN was made to prevent war but I don't see how attacking everyone is anyway effective. I see those conferences going like:

Canada: Do you want some coffee?
US: Yes, we will bomb them.
China: what are you talking about?
US: Who do we need to bomb?

Offline Atreyu

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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2013, 06:51:34 AM »
Look up the video Soldier's Waking Up To Obama's. plan in SyRia!!!!
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Re: So, ready for WW3?
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2013, 07:35:08 AM »
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
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