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Author Topic: nuking it? god damn right i do!  (Read 490 times)

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nuking it? god damn right i do!
« on: July 18, 2013, 08:15:20 PM »

First some context, i found this on my hard drive i posted it to some "logic" problem i found online, i forget the exact problem now but it was something along the lines of asking "what is the probability of of A being correct if you pick randomly(or some crap like this)"
A. 25%
B. 30%
C. 50%
D. 25%

Well as in school, or hell even generally in life ive always hated "logic" games. because the rules of the question is always so poorly defined. this was my response....

note:in the navy "nuking" it means over analyzing a "simple" question(or any question or any thing for that matter).

To me (and my tendency to nuke the hell out of questions) this one is very simple and direct if i let it be…but i wont/cant my brain just wont let it. So i think we need to start by over analyzing it(as i think it was intended too, im going to do some of this real quick with the old “if a rooster is on top of your house and lays an egg which way does it fall” question. the “correct” answer being roosters dont lay eggs dummy! or in the case of this question 25% dummy! 4 options chosen truly at random is 25%, it didnt say PICK a random letter and see if your correct but that if you were to do that for any 4 choice multiple choice question at random the likely hood would be 25%. Of course none of this takes into account any number of issues with the question itself which could easily render that incorrect, as this isnt a blind study but a question created by a human mind, which means one of those letters will be dominate(statistically C) but even a person that KNOWS that will still simply subconsciously dominate with another letter unless they sit down and actually ensure that over a 100 question test 25 of the questions are A, B, C and D. Then again the fact that you had to sit down and FORCE it to that means it isnt random and therefore untrue in that context. Then again its been proven again and again that we are incapable of being truly random, heck we cant even write a computer program that gives us true randomness, only the illusion of it. Which makes us go back to the question and realize that it can not be answered because any answer provided by a human is NOT random and therefore incorrect! New millennium problem!

Oh and for those wondering how the rooster on the roof is similar, here was my issues with it when i was asked as a kid: Firstly you need to look at the question as being in one of two states: highly improbable(i mean their is a rooster laying eggs on your roof) and through context sitting directly on the highest point so as to provide an equal implied chance of these eggs going either direction. Or state 2 (to get to the supposed correct answer) is that part of this is “true” and part is “false” ie its true that you(while highly improbable) have a rooster on your roof, however “false” roosters dont lay eggs! Which to me is wrong in of its self, i mean if i ask you what 2+2=? do i get to say you are wrong when you say 4 because their was part of the question i didnt give you? that the actual question was 2+2+2=? so ha ha dummy you answered wrong because you didnt expect me to give you only partially correct information or in other words a logic problem that can not be solved do to my choice of words? Which of course is why i always chose the first state and said assuming the rooster is directly on the highest point then 50% chance either way, because its not very likely that i will EVER have a rooster on my roof(30 years and still true) roosters dont lay eggs? YET, or in other words we have not yet discovered how to genetically alter or otherwise allow male roosters to lay eggs, so yes again while highly improbable it is POSSIBLE, and since this was your idiotic word puzzle im assuming the necessary advancements to have been made when you ask me the question because its the only way to give a solvable answer, otherwise we also have to look at a number of other factors like is the rooster equidistant from either side and is the roof a true V shape ie 50% of the surface area is to the left the other to the right with equal slope(and dont forget PERFECTLY level). Or is it like most houses where it is slightly disproportionate say 60/40 with two(or more!) varying slopes in which case if the rooster is directly in the middle and is in fact laying eggs they will always fall to the left(or right) due to some rather simple and fundamental universal laws. Granted i couldnt make this point as well at the age of 8 as i can now, but its still how i was thinking about things even then.

p.s. final point onto my earlier argument that makes the question unsolvable, even for the “simple minded” approach on the 25% answer:note that with A and D being 25% but no option to choose both (remember your answer a what is the percentage for being correct on a 4 choice question NOT to choose randomly.) so since it has given you 2 answers that are correct but only 1 way of answering(traditionally) you can not answer correctly, unless of course you ignore the tradition only circle one answer approach and simply circle 2 answers. note that the question did NOT explicitly deny you that ability.

p.s.s. yeah i know a p.s. is only supposed to be a line or two traditionally, but it felt right to break with tradition in honor of the contents of the p.s. so get over it.

Time for a joke:
a baby seal walks into a club

Time for my question:
Who else here feels that way about such "logic" puzzles. ie that they ALWAYS have multiple correct answers, but only "one" is right...

context example: what is blue and black and red all over. "traditional" correct answer is a newspaper. But lets any program website etc that has these colors, or hey go super smart ass "my wife/girlfriend/boyfriend" or a bruise or a caucasian with the black plague or speedstick get the idea. dont tell me im "wrong" because i didnt give you the answer you wanted. if you wanted a SPECIFIC answer then ask a SPECIFIC question moron! *glaring at past teachers as he says this*

had to have a small rant at the end! and i know this whole thing is semi random but i dont have the time to edit out kinks and the like so away it goes ;)

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Re: nuking it? god damn right i do!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2013, 08:19:26 PM »
I think game theory might be to your liking.
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