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Author Topic: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?  (Read 6507 times)

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Offline rasenove

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2013, 02:56:25 PM »
This isnt a hack but,
when i installed my first linux distro(mint) everything was easy, just selected the c drive to be the system and let the setup begane, but when i reboot my pc and i saw one and only one drive containing all the HDD memory :p . I lost alot of stuff i didnt keep backup of. And from that day on i never eat mint ever again.
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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2013, 08:48:12 PM »
Back when I was a n00b, like two years ago in sophmore year, I launched a DOS attack on my schools website. From school. From my account. It is the homepage for all the computers in the school, and it is hosted on the server that is also the default gateway connection for my school. I raped the internet for the school, for like 30 min nothing would load. For anyone. Schoolwide. Needless to say, I was grabbed by the IT guys. The next year they made a new school computer usage rule up, just for me. Proud to say I violated the whole thing :)
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Offline Nerotic7

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2013, 09:56:30 PM »
I was 14 and I thought I was very clever. I downloaded a free vpn and then I DDoS'd the FBI's website.
FBI contacted my parents and my dad beat me up. :'(
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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2013, 10:31:07 PM »
I was working on a school computer when I noticed that they had "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Program Files\Startup" world writable.  I made a VBScript to have a popup that said "Big Brother is watching...", and left it there for a while.

3 days later, the Comp. Sci. teacher walks up to me and is like "I ws working on that computer over there the other day, and a message box popped up saying something like 'Big Brother is watching you...'  Do you know anything about that?"  At this point, I'm like the only kid in school that would know enough about computers to do that (Kinda sad, if you think about it.), so she basically knows I did it.  I'm like "Oh, yeah, I put that there."  She asked me to take it off, so I did.

I'd forgotten that I put the same script on like 3 other computers...
The next day I was like, Oh hit, I gotta get those off before anyone sees them.  Nothing came out of it, but I was so panicked that day  :P

Anyways, not so much embarrasing, but whatev.

Back when I was a n00b, like two years ago in sophmore year, I launched a DOS attack on my schools website.
Huh, I should try that sometime!  (not)

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2013, 12:39:13 PM »
Mine is quite lame...
i was looking around on how worms are designed and landed on a very short python script which i fell in love with.
As a normal n00b i copied the code and saved it in my library on my old pimped up windows 7 .Latter that night i thought of editing the code but didn't get to read the READ ME part of the download, everything was ok until i executed the lovely python script and every file assumed a .LNK extension from hell.Never before had i seen what happened next since it formated my Hard Drive completely.
Hours latter after reinstalling (well, some of the necessities) i re-downloaded the file again and straight to the Readme section where i found a big NB   This is a malicious code comment the format C:\ command
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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2013, 02:17:45 PM »
I played a lot of computer games around 2000, especially Counter Strike.

Got into PHP a couple of years before and was the "developer" of my clans web page.  As I learned about script insertions and SQL injections, I realized that my code was as bullet proof as a wet paper towel and I started defacing.

Ended up blaming others for hacking us....

Offline Mellow_

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2013, 12:24:42 AM »
When I was in high school I went out of my way to create a small script in VB to disable a service essential to the schools security system. They had a 'server' service, and the 'client' service on every machine. With the client service disabled, the computer stops communicating with the server and instead of having some safety measure in place, it simply grants you access to every device on the network.

All of them. (what the fuck??)

I did this with the intentions of telling the administration and IT at school that it's a bad idea to allow us access to VB and other languages outside of the main computer labs. I demonstrated why, was promptly banned from computer use for the rest of my time in high school, and suspended for two weeks.

I guess they didn't appreciate the help. What a bunch of assholes lol.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 04:56:03 PM by Mellow_ »

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2013, 04:35:53 AM »
I don't think I've ever had an embarrassing hack, only embarrassments in learning about the hack and realizing I don't know much. Humility is a good thing and nobody likes a bigot.

Mine happened less than a week ago. I backuped my friends harddrive because long story. I used a linux usb to do it and formatted the portable harddrive i was copying everything on in a linux format. I re-installed windows and when I open the portable harddrive to get their files off, it said I needed to format it. I just stared at it for like 5 minutes and said "Uhhhh, ummmm......sorry." A couple minutes later I figured out it and everything was fine and dandy. But for those two minutes I just wanted to kill myself....

If you ever run into that issue again, there is a way to rebuild partitions using a DOS program on the Hiren's BootCD(all the tools you will ever need for diagnostics, password removal, backing up, etc..). Test disk is the name of the program. I have used this on drives that ask me to format when I plug in and power up and instead of being like "fuck.." I have a big smile on my face because more often than not it will rebuild the partition table and the drive can be mounted again.

It even works on drives that have bad sectors or are on their way to that upper room. There are varying degrees of bad for a hard drive besides mechanical failure or the control board not working correctly and I don't think that control board swaps will work. I dunno, I've never tried.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 04:39:14 AM by frog »

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2013, 12:30:57 PM »
There are varying degrees of bad for a hard drive besides mechanical failure or the control board not working correctly and I don't think that control board swaps will work. I dunno, I've never tried.
When the problem is the control board, swapping it may solve the issue. The problem is finding one hdd with exactly the same control board.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 12:31:17 PM by Snayler »

Offline scuarplex

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Re: Most embarrasing hack you've ever done?
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2013, 04:54:25 PM »
Lame defaces + registered at zone-h  :'(
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 05:00:32 PM by scuarplex »


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