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Author Topic: Target Hunting Tutorials...??  (Read 2944 times)

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Offline AnarchyAngel

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Re: Target Hunting Tutorials...??
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2013, 07:16:25 PM »
I'm too noob to use autopwn... Also too noob to realize that autopwn is the best method for being detected and will leave a bunch of signatures on the target box... I just don't like it so I'll pass.
I can find windows exploits, but they're called CVE-a098v09a8dsf0a, i don't know how to use this on metasploit.
Basically, I don't know how to figure out what module is associated with that CVE exploit?
Also somebody said exploit-db doesn't have all exploits?
Where else could I search for exploit?
Also for future reference, this video really helped me a lot (+the rest of the series by the same guy): [size=78%][/size]

using metasploit in general will leave traces no matter wat exploit you use but for lab environments its fine. there are tons of guides and junk out there on how to set all that up, you can do it! :D as for other places to get exploits, you can check out [size=78%][/size] there are other places but most are invite only. a note on cves, just because there is a cve for a vulnerability does not mean there is a working exploit for it, and you can search by cve at exploit-db which can be helpful. - MKE area DEFCON group


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