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Author Topic: Switch a file on the browser cache  (Read 484 times)

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Offline Athmos

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Switch a file on the browser cache
« on: April 05, 2013, 10:29:16 PM »
I will try to explain this the best I can because it might be a bit strange.

There is a website with a Flash movie and I want to know if it's possible to swap that flash movie file in the browser's cache with a previous version from the same movie so when I enter the site the movie loading is this old one.
On Firefox I have used the add-on Cache Viewer and I have found the file I want to switch in C:\Users\My name\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\2f5rqz2f.default\Cache\A\D1\EF439d01 but this file EF439d01 doesn't have any extension and its size is a bit smaller (in KB) then the one appearing on Cache Viewer. I did try to delete this and put there the flash file with the same name but doesn't work, when I enter the site a new file is created and I see the current movie.

(I know I can see the movie outside the website but I also know sometimes you need to clear the cache on some sites because you still see a previous version instead of the up-to date movie so I guess it should be possible to manually put on the cache the file you want to load).

Thank you.


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