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Author Topic: Information on SMS and e-mail encryption  (Read 3720 times)

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Offline Rafy

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Information on SMS and e-mail encryption
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:34:14 PM »
So guys here goes my first post on security.
Many of you must have heard that email and sms have no encryption at all.We call that plaintext.Generally there are tools to encrypt emails and sms but not many people use them.Surely there not Law-enforcement proof but at least you know that no hacker will be reading your email anytime soon(they will probably need the Ferrari's computer to do so).One thing that I learned over the years is: never think you are safe!To survive in this world you must be paranoid enough to check your firewall every morning and format your HDD at least twice a month.Of course i don't do that cause I've been only practicing on xampp servers in my house and VMs.So what can you do to protect your sms? Most of the people now have an iphone or an i-device running iOS.For them the solution is quite easy there quite several apps promising to encrypt your email and sms.I have not tried them so i can't tell you anything from first hand, but go ahead and download them and try to brute force the cyphertext and seee how long it takes for it to fail(if it does).Now for skype, recently the C#I#A# hacked it so it's secure no more. I haven't found any tool for VOIP encryption yet but they must  exist,although i found some tools for the IM texting.I won't give any links for them , search on google 'skype encryption'(No quotes)

So, i hope hope you appreciate the information i gave you , now go to hunt for encryption tools!!!

BTW: TOR got hacked too! :'( :'(
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 03:35:53 PM by Rafy »
If it moves shoot it,if it runs... hack it!

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Re: Information on SMS and e-mail encryption
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 11:35:48 AM »
I am sorry to tell this.
But i find this a very very low quality topic.

There is nothing that you are telling about actually sms and email security.
Everyone know that you can encrypt it, but for the next time you maybe consider to go deeper onto the topic.
Techniques on capturing emails an sms, and programs to encrypt it.

But capturing emails, nobody would do that??? >.<.
Mainly know that a man in the middle attack can do it for emails send trough an non safe way.
But these days ppl mostly use ssl, so its pretty secured (nothing is 100% secure tough).

BTW: tor is hacked like a year ago.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 11:36:33 AM by Factionwars »

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: Information on SMS and e-mail encryption
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 12:41:49 PM »
To survive in this world you HAVE to be paranoid (and I am).
I'd like to add that SMS's are sent not in plain text but encrypted with whatever encryption GSM is using. SMS's are stored in plain text on your phone. iCrap is BS, most people use it because it looks cool to them (to me it looks gay) so they don't even bother to think that there might be a virus on their phone. I have an android so I don't worry much.
There are apps that can secure your messages on the phone with encryption, there are several of Symbian too.
And yes this topic is not much of a topic. You just said your point of view on anonymity.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 12:42:33 PM by Kulverstukas »

Offline xwire

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Re: Information on SMS and e-mail encryption
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2011, 06:35:20 AM »
For call encryption, check out Redphone by Whispersys. GSM encryption is notoriously weak and doesn't protect you from most anybody who has the ability or legal authority to intercept text messages. For email and file encryption, check out GNUPG and Thunderbird coupled with Enigmail (or Firefox with FireGPG). For disk encryption, check out Truecrypt or LUKS for linux.


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