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Author Topic: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?  (Read 8252 times)

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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2012, 08:58:13 PM »
Actually, even Christianity (aka Bible) says, that human had some sort of "spiritual" body which was controled through their souls, and it enabled them to do things like astral projection, telekinesis or direct contact & communication with God, angels (including the "fallen" ones) and other spiritual beings
after the Fall, the God cut off humans from this body (so we can no longer use it), but it is still there

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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #16 on: November 24, 2012, 09:50:08 PM »
Actually, even Christianity (aka Bible) says, that human had some sort of "spiritual" body which was controled through their souls, and it enabled them to do things like astral projection, telekinesis or direct contact & communication with God, angels (including the "fallen" ones) and other spiritual beings
after the Fall, the God cut off humans from this body (so we can no longer use it), but it is still there

I don't think God cut us off. It is the precision of the equinox and the fall into forget with the dark ages. We might discover things in the coming days because of going into the age of knowledge/golden age.

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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2012, 11:42:32 AM »
In todays day and age, with so much media around it just isn't conceivable that people with ESP could go un noticed.  "Psychic" abilities in the sense of being able to read minds and predict the future are of course fiction. If anyone is familiar with Derren Brown they will know how these super human tricks are done. He often uses such "powers" quite effectively but unlike other people he reveals how he does it more often than not. Also when it comes to mediums his attitude is similar to that of Houdini because they both know how these fraudsters work.


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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2013, 04:26:25 PM »
I personally believe ESP exists , human mind is of the most complicated systems and it is impossible that we know ALL about it  , it has created machines and systems so powerful and complicated and laws and politics so evil there gotta be hell more of it I believe , even scientists haven't explained YET how chinese munks can take so much pressure on their abs with muscles the width of a leather jacket and no way near to those of professional bodybuilders who can't bare the pressure those skinny munks can hold , they call it CHI energy and they can transfer it in different parts of their body , there is a person(you can google it ) who can live in temperature so low your mama could ever possibly imagine by raising his body's temperature as required ,there are yet many secrets to be revealed , I have seen real life examples of ESP like my grandma , believe it or not that old and rusted lady would get feelings and dreams when something bad was about to happen she could never describe it but she would say "I don't know , just don't do it  , my heart says something bad is going to happen"

Actually, even Christianity (aka Bible) says, that human had some sort of "spiritual" body which was controled through their souls, and it enabled them to do things like astral projection, telekinesis or direct contact & communication with God, angels (including the "fallen" ones) and other spiritual beings
after the Fall, the God cut off humans from this body (so we can no longer use it), but it is still there
Astral projection   ? I've been doing it for so long , lucidity and that <3 It took me lot of practice and time to master that but now I am good at it , I still have my dream journal(i used it to remember dreams) , I keep it by my bed and write dreams that I see in it , the moment I get up I start writing (because there  is no other way to remember dreams as your mind forgets 80% of dreams in just 10 minutes of waking up)
so astral projection,lucidity,deja vu stuff ? Been there , done that :)

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« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 06:32:11 PM by skidiot.h »

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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2013, 06:16:53 PM »
Now as far as ESP is concerned, I believe that sometimes we can interact and exchange information subconsciously. For example, our brains can process much larger amounts of info then our conscious mind can see. In the same way, our subconscious mind can perform body movements and actions without our conscious mind noticing that. Now if lets say I meet someone on the street and he wants to attack me, his subconscious mind might be giving away some clues about anger and what he is about to do through body language without him knowing. Our sensory organs will pick that data up and it will get processed by the subconscious mind into relevant information, which might get sent to our conscious mind and might feel to us as "intuition". And we might start feeling uncomfortable, and might even tell our friends that we "feel" that the guy we just passed is going to attack us. We keep walking for another 30min. I even tell my friend I had a de javu and saw how we were attacked in the future. He of course tells me I am just being paranoid. But what is happening is my brain is computing the possibility of an attack based on the info that it got before when we passed the guy and my creative side of the brain came up with a little "vision" of what it could look like. And I might think thats a de ja vu. Now we keep walking, and after some time in an empty street this same guy jumps out pushes me on the ground and jumps on my friend screaming and telling him to hand his phone and wallet to him. The vision I had before seems very similar to what is happening. We know the guy might stab us or something, so we just comply and give him what he wants. He runs of. I tell my friend, "wow, dude remember I told you I had this feeling we might get attacked? I also had a de ja vu moment and saw this happen over 30min ago! Dude ESP is real! I saw the future! This spirit stuff is real!".
So even though this seemed supernatural to me, it was just a process of my mind working behind the scenes. Of course we often get wrong predictions and hence our intuition is not always right.

What I am trying to say, is that not everything thats seems to have no explanation actually has no explanation. In most of the cases, we just tend to call anything that we cant explain "Supernatural".

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Re: Do you guys believe in ESP abilities ?
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2013, 04:16:41 AM »
Yes, i do believe coz i experienced sometimes...


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