i have submitted the project synopsis of ASP.NET forum for my college student and professors. so they want an algorithm and UML diagram and flowchart of my project, now i can't understand that how to make an algorithm for forum?
my poject synopsis is here. i have also attached it.
Open source asp.net forum would be used by individuals, students, programmers, professor any other person for solving their problems related to study or any coding or any other thing. It would provide online IRC (internet relay chatting) that is required in a good forum site. Anybody using this forum site would be able to post his / her queries and reply to other peoples post, it would provide e-books for engineering students. This forum would be handled by an administrator.
a) Asp.net
b) VB.net
c) ACCESS or MySQL database
Module Introduction (Post Management)
This is the module via which the user would be able to post in forum online. User may submit new post edit an already posted post. Below are the things he can possible do via this module:
1) Add a new post to forum.
2) Online chatting with other forum users.
3) Mark as unread post.
4) Increase points by post more for VIP logo.
5) Categorize the posts according to date and category.
6) To submit any new post user have to be logged in to forum.
Each of the post that would be posted by the user may have comments on it.
The author may delete comments on his post. This would apply to each post
that he writes. Following would be done in this module:
1) The reader would be able to post comments on any ones post.
2) The author can delete the comments that he receives on his/her post.
3) To give any comment on posts user have to be logged in to forum.
4) Comments can be posted independently by the users or they may post a comment in
reply to other readers comment.
5) All the comments for each blog post could be subscribed by the reader via RSS feeds.
Module Introduction (Admin Module) This blog application has a complete admin panel for
performing administration. The main administration is done for user management.
Following are the features that would be included in this module
1) Manager forum user.
2) Managing styles and themes for the forum. The user would be able to change the look
and feel of the forum using this feature.
3) Add / remove categories for posts.
4) Provide Email activation by administrator.
5) Status of online users.
6) Provide searching features for the reader to search the post.
7) Provide login by time.
Module Introduction (Other Options)
1) Status of online users.
2) Provide searching features for the reader to search the post.
3) Provide login by time.
4) MD5 encryption security for user name and password in database
5) Downloads of e-books and posted codes.
6) VIP logo request
This project would be of useful to anybody having problems with their software’s or computers or any other problems. Also this will be used for downloading engineering e-books.
This is an open source project so the users can at any time download source code and modify per their priorities. They would be able to view their posts with the world using RSS feeds.
Not only students but also a professors and programmers and home users can join forum for their problems. Anyone can answer or comment on the any post.
Forum has full admin panel so that unwanted or unexpected post will be removed from the forum.
As this is an open source project the market potential for it makes no sense. There are no financial motivations behind building this project. The main motivation is experimentation and developing a world class piece of forum.
On the flip side the popularity of this project is expected to be huge. We expect that the number of downloads of this project would surpass 1000 in the very first year. Then with more addition in functionality the popularity of this project is expected to raise more.