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Author Topic: Copying phone contacts to sim  (Read 5851 times)

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Copying phone contacts to sim
« on: October 06, 2012, 09:12:19 PM »
One thing I really missed in android over time is the ability to save your contacts to the SIM card and not just the phone memory. I am not sure why it didn't have that option, but it seems that some androids do have it and maybe because I have cyanogenmod 7 flashed, so I can only import from SIM and export to SD card.

Though I found a solution to that, there is this cool app Contacts2sim Pro which can copy to/from phone, and tells you which contacts are missing in either side and copies the missing ones. Free version's capabilities ends there :P
The Pro version allows to edit your contacts.

For those who don't want to pay for the app, you can just get it here.


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