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Author Topic: Picking Proper Passwords-A beginner's guide  (Read 1630 times)

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Offline Daemon

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Picking Proper Passwords-A beginner's guide
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:50:51 PM »
Yes, this is extremely simple. And aimed at people who are so new to computers they are using firstname19xx as their password, or something else ridiculously simple to crack. I put this on here because of the other post that was a database dump, by picking a stronger password you can protect yourself better even if some site gets their DB dumped by a random.

So folks, heres the deal. Truth is, a password like: h0lYsh1_zzl3 is not stronger than MynameisSl1mShady. If you want a truly strong password, it should be over 15 characters long. in fact, rather than turning a sentence like "there once was a pig" into th3r31ap1g like some sites have been telling people for years, turn that into a pass that says "There0nceWasAPig" as its much stronger! for those of you who haven't had the time to read Kingpin yet (its in the ebook section, worth a read) the lead char and black hat genius, Iceman, set his password as !! Onemancanchangetheworld ! (more caps in there somewhere) which would've been unbreakable in his lifetime if he had been able to turn off his computers before he got arrested. heres a picture explaining why these longer, seemingly simpler passes, are stronger. In the form of a comic!

So long story short, dont pick c0mPl1_c@t&d passwords, instead pick 15+ char passwords. And just to get an idea of how long it would take to crack your pass (take these times with a huge grain of salt, and instead use this site just to compare two diff passwords) check out

now go, change your passwords, and create some stronger internet security. cheers :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 08:01:00 PM by Daemon »
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