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Author Topic: File access from a locked down Win XP machine  (Read 1227 times)

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Offline dannstarr

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File access from a locked down Win XP machine
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:51:22 PM »
Hi, this is my first post here, and I wasn't sure if it should go here or in the Android section, but here goes:
The situation is this: at work the computers are heavily locked down. By that I mean that you can not download and install anything, no cd rom access and no usb access. they run win xp (some of you may be too young to have heard of this) I have recently discovered, however, that when i plug my galaxy s3 in, the pc sees it as a digital camera, and i can access every folder on the internal sd card through windows explorer. I can then transfer any file i like to the computer  not just photo's. This never happened on my g note, nexus s, or any other device I have owned.

Now, I can only confirm that the above works on a rooted custom rom based on stock Ice Cream Sandwich. when I changed to a leaked Jellybean rom, there was no access to my phone via the pc. Can anyone help me to understand how and why this works?

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« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 11:20:55 PM by techb »


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