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Author Topic: [APPS] List of Android Download Sites and Reviews  (Read 1897 times)

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Offline iTpHo3NiX

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[APPS] List of Android Download Sites and Reviews
« on: May 27, 2014, 09:44:12 PM »
OK there are several Android APK sites, some more friendly than others. I thought I would layout the ones that I use on a regular basis to obtain up-to-date"ish" on application I don't feel the need to pay for. I will give a description of the site and features and a personal review of the sites. If you have any to share, feel free to do the same.

1. AppRob (
Approb is a site that links to downloads for various android apps and games. (Also includes iCrap things)

My review
  • Simple to use interface
  • large content db
  • categorized
  • descriptions and screenshots/video
  • no registration required
  • light, non obtrusive ads
  • no referral/masked links

AppRob is my first choice when looking for pirated android apps for the above reasons. I find most apps here and is always a number one suggestion. Most apps are mirrored on several hosts, zippyshare being my favorite

2. Mobilism

A forum based mobile share site with large user driven content and in house app cracking sites

My review
  • forum
  • requires user registration
  • heavy ads (adblock required)
  • large content db
  • mobile view

Mobilism has a large database of apps and user feedback which is helpful with errors you may have with apps/games. Also as an added feature there is a mobile application which you can use to download content. There is also a "premium" account which gives you access to a shared premium host download so you can download files directly without captcha and wait times. I like to use mobilism for feedback and other content and user shares instead of just what's available. Apps are sortable by latest releases as well as categories.

I usually find most apps I'm looking for between one of these 2 sites.

3. Apptoide

This is an app similar to cydia for iShits. Works via repos to get lists of apps for installation.

My review:
I'm going to keep this short, apptoide is an option but in most cases IMHO sucks. Its pretty much a shitty cydia. You need to locate good up to date repos which is the challenge as most are outdated and have crappy unmaintained lists. You also don't download straight apk files which sicks for sharing across multiple devices and friends. Also you get a lot of problem parsing package errors.


So all in all some good sources for android apps and games. I wish I had a server that could scrape the play store and I can add apps as on a lot of private trackers they have 0day packs every couple of days with the latest paid apps and games up to date, but other than that I get single apps from AppRob or mobilism
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 11:53:04 PM by DeepCopy »
[09:27] (+lenoch) iTpHo3NiX can even manipulate me to suck dick
[09:27] (+lenoch) oh no that's voluntary
[09:27] (+lenoch) sorry


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