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Author Topic: How to make a Binder ?  (Read 1818 times)

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How to make a Binder ?
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:42:30 PM »
I've a question to ask,

How to make a binder ? like what exactly the algorithm and logic used to make binders ?

Offline Axon

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Re: How to make a Binder ?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 05:31:00 AM »
File Binder Architecture


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Re: How to make a Binder ?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2012, 09:50:37 AM »
Regardless of ethics involved, finally someone gets what kind of questions to ask. The first step in understanding how binders work is to understand a concept called EOF (end of file).

Quite simply put, if you take the instructions of one program, and write them byte for byte at the end of another program, both programs will be opened simultaneously.

The only thing is, no matter what type of files you're binding, the end result will always be in executable format. So (in windows for example), if you bind a .txt file to an .mp3, the result will be a .exe that will open both the .txt file, and the .mp3 file in their respective environments (notepad/media player). Hope this helps, I can't give you any example code, but definitely look into EOF example code.


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Re: How to make a Binder ?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2012, 11:31:27 AM »
Regardless of ethics involved, finally someone gets what kind of questions to ask. The first step in understanding how binders work is to understand a concept called EOF (end of file).

Quite simply put, if you take the instructions of one program, and write them byte for byte at the end of another program, both programs will be opened simultaneously.

The only thing is, no matter what type of files you're binding, the end result will always be in executable format. So (in windows for example), if you bind a .txt file to an .mp3, the result will be a .exe that will open both the .txt file, and the .mp3 file in their respective environments (notepad/media player). Hope this helps, I can't give you any example code, but definitely look into EOF example code.

Thanks alot, your post really helped me
I searched for EOF and found some great points that i noted down
right now i am searching for quick examples of Binders and have already found something interesting , will post it here very soon :)

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Re: How to make a Binder ?
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 08:11:15 AM »
Regardless of ethics involved, finally someone gets what kind of questions to ask. The first step in understanding how binders work is to understand a concept called EOF (end of file).

Quite simply put, if you take the instructions of one program, and write them byte for byte at the end of another program, both programs will be opened simultaneously.

The only thing is, no matter what type of files you're binding, the end result will always be in executable format. So (in windows for example), if you bind a .txt file to an .mp3, the result will be a .exe that will open both the .txt file, and the .mp3 file in their respective environments (notepad/media player). Hope this helps, I can't give you any example code, but definitely look into EOF example code.

Really nice post, Helped me a lot to understand the concept, thank you.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 11:55:15 AM by Kulverstukas »

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Re: How to make a Binder ?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 05:16:36 PM »
Really nice post, Helped me a lot to understand the concept, thank you.

Well, from that post you quoted it sounds like all you have to do is write two files after each other in a final .exe file. Which is wrong. For those two files to execute when you run your final exe you need to have a small piece of code called a stub. There are actually not two files in the final exe when you are binding two files, there are three. First the stub, then file1 and finally file2, in that order. The only thing that will run when you run your exe is the stub's code. The stub will then read itself and find file1 and file2. Then it will write those two files to disk(or execute them in memory) and execute them.
if($statement) { unless(!$statement) { // Very sure } }


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