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Author Topic: where to find the basics on hacking  (Read 3356 times)

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Offline atsuktuvas

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Re: where to find the basics on hacking
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2012, 10:21:14 PM »

Almost deleted this one as well(deleted the other post about some stupid books). This book is shit old, but I guess its okay. But nothing more.

Ande, please don't take offence, but have you actually read this book? And have you concidered it from the perspective of someone who has absolutely no idea of what linux, command line, source code, programming, algorithms, assembly, memory locations, execution stack, router, switches, encryption, shell code, etc is? This book won't give anyone step-by-step instructions of how to gain access to some blog or something like that, but it will show a complete newbie of how different technologies, come together, and will give a basic overview of what is what. Then the reader will be able to choose what he wants to do next. The techniques discussed in this book might be useless as far as practical "hacking" is concerned, BUT, the info in the book can definitely help someone just starting out to get an overall idea of the bigger picture.

Anyway, maybe it is just me, but I just don't see why that book is bad.

Mind you, just my personal thoughts, please no one take it personally :D

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Re: where to find the basics on hacking
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2012, 10:39:18 PM »
Ande, please don't take offence, but have you actually read this book? And have you concidered it from the perspective of someone who has absolutely no idea of what linux, command line, source code, programming, algorithms, assembly, memory locations, execution stack, router, switches, encryption, shell code, etc is? This book won't give anyone step-by-step instructions of how to gain access to some blog or something like that, but it will show a complete newbie of how different technologies, come together, and will give a basic overview of what is what. Then the reader will be able to choose what he wants to do next. The techniques discussed in this book might be useless as far as practical "hacking" is concerned, BUT, the info in the book can definitely help someone just starting out to get an overall idea of the bigger picture.

Anyway, maybe it is just me, but I just don't see why that book is bad.

Mind you, just my personal thoughts, please no one take it personally :D

My main concern was its age. But then I looked it up and found out the book is from 2008, which is not to bad. This made me realize I must have confused it with one of those Hacking Exposed books which is from 2000-2002. The book you posted is not as bad as I may have expressed.
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Re: where to find the basics on hacking
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2012, 11:15:00 PM »
My main concern was its age. But then I looked it up and found out the book is from 2008, which is not to bad. This made me realize I must have confused it with one of those Hacking Exposed books which is from 2000-2002. The book you posted is not as bad as I may have expressed.

I remember those Hacking Exposed. I read one about Wireless Networking, but I just got confused and couldn't really get anything from it.

Anyway, about the topic. I have read Hacking: The Art of Exploitation and I too advise it.

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: where to find the basics on hacking
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2012, 10:14:12 AM »
I have both - hacking exposed and first edition of Art of exploitation (in paper), but unfortunately they are in my language (translated from english), so I can't really understand much what is written because translators at the publishing company didn't know what they are translating...


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