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Author Topic: This Board.  (Read 2447 times)

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Offline HTH

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This Board.
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:38:43 PM »
This subforum was created to make our programming section a bit more welcoming to the noobs of the world. I don't need to describe it any better than the admins did, it's for simple questions and sharing code that doesnt -really- have a purpose.

This forum is purely for things that are done for the sake of learning, not by any means PoC or higher level questions. The flip side is that in here you had best be nicer to the people who post. No "This is fucking useless" or "wtf why would anyone code this", they coded it to learn, duh.

Oh and if I think you put your code or question in the wrong section, I'll move it, it's like, my job or something.


Some may notice I deleted a few responses. My original post was ambiguous, it was intended to convey the message that things which are easily googleable or are not something worth sharing in the other subforums would be moved here but certain people took it a bit too literal.The purpose of this board remains the same however, if someone is proud of a piece of code they may share it here. If it is a noob question that they need help with they may ask it here. It is quite a bit faster to ignore a topic than it is to bitch about it. I would appreciate it if anyone who finds this subforum unsavory would do the former. 
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 12:32:14 AM by HTH »
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Re: This Board.
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 09:23:42 AM »
Good decision. I saw the troubles with "useless code", this will definitely help. *thumbsup*

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2015, 10:04:36 AM »
I dont see how simply moving it around will have any effect whatsoever. Useless anything is useless no matter where it is put.

at least all those threads would be in the same place and the members that dont like to reply to them could just act like this forum doesn't exist !!

Offline HTH

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2015, 10:17:34 AM »
^ Look Geoff, Gx00, 2460h1, etc: It's like this, I have rebuilt a car from the frame out. But I couldnt do that all when i started, first i learned to bleed brakes, then body work, then rebuilding engine parts, etc. But at one point in my life, years ago, i was googling how to do something as simple as locate a PCV valve. Now that type of tutorial or post would be useless to me, but to someone just starting out with cars it wouldn't be. Hell, I'm pretty sure some people need google to change a flat.

The same thing applies here, just because YOU don't find value in a certain thread/topic doesn't mean that noone will. This is to increase the quality of the posts in the rest of the programming section, while still maintaining our ability to help/foster new programmers.

Years ago I'm pretty sure I actually bothered to ask Xires to explain reference vs dereference to me because most of the stuff i found on google was above my head at the time. Sometimes someone you can talk to in (sort of) real time is a hundredfold better than some article on google.

Once again, my wording was poor in the first post I made, I didn't expect anyone to get so mad and take it so literal. I'll do my best to cull absolute shitposting but I'm not gonna waste time going back and doing it retroactively.

And like your friend said, you can just pretend this subforum doesnt exist :)
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Offline z3ro

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2015, 12:39:50 PM »
This subforum was created to make our programming section a bit more welcoming to the noobs of the world.

Are we inviting noobs worldwide to spit their shit in here?  :P

Okay okay. This board might prove to be a good idea. Maybe.
I guess we'll wait and see how it goes.
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Offline HTH

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 06:52:59 PM »
To be clear - I am not against people posting noob questions. or easy questions, if the question is a clarification of research they've done on the matter. but if you can throw their first sentence into google and find a perfectly good tutorial in the first 5 results, then it is a stupid, pointless question, unless they are seeking clarification on some aspect of the result. but at least that shows that they have put some ounce of effort and thought into it.


Once again, my wording was poor in the first post I made, I didn't expect anyone to get so mad and take it so literal. I'll do my best to cull absolute shitposting but I'm not gonna waste time going back and doing it retroactively.

Why don't we just wait and see how this turns out. A combination of poor wording in my first post and you just being a straight up asshole has this conversation being a bit pointless. Bitch later if I leave a bunch of absolute shit laying around.

As for the car stuff, The second one, but sometimes I probably looked like the third. Which is actually the point I guess, I have to decide if the poster here is the first, second, or third. Then delete their thread, then an admin gets a PM from them "Why did u delete mai thread? i need 2 no how 2 code". YOU don't have to decide, nor do you have to comment on every thread that you don't approve of telling them as much.

Like I said multiple times, I won't go delete old threads so all we(EZ) can do is wait for a few less than awesome threads to pop up and see what happens, and how I deal with them.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 06:54:41 PM by HTH »
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Re: This Board.
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2015, 07:20:42 PM »
I think this board might be a good think. I guess time will show what kind of posts it's mostly going to get.

Tho IMO name could have been bit different, something like "training" or "just for fun", which d4rkcat suggested in other topic. Something that wouldn't have been named so directly only for noobs. Maybe then some pro/senior programmers could have use the board for posting some small snippets here also. Something that they wouldn't have considered worth of posting otherwise and what could still turnout to be useful for some starting programmers as an examples.
I hope that you get my point. Don't know if i'm able to properly verbalize what i'm trying to say.

Just as a sidenote to those that doesn't already know it,  i'm also noob in programming, but unlike some noobs seen here i know how to use google for most of my questions. So i don't want to see EZ to turn into stackoverflow. But most likely this is going to be a good board just like this, name and all. These just were thoughts i got when i first read this topic and felt like saying them out loud.

Also congrats HTH of the mod position! Even tho i don't really know you in person, but based on your posts i think admins have made a really good decision.:)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 07:22:39 PM by gray-fox »

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2015, 08:00:36 PM »
This board seems like a really good idea.

However, if someone starts asking what "&lt;br /&gt;" does in html, I will flip my shit. Please be extra careful that this does not happen.

Congratz hth, you deserve it. :3
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Re: This Board.
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2015, 10:29:04 PM »
I dont see how simply moving it around will have any effect whatsoever. Useless anything is useless no matter where it is put.

Do you also disapprove having the "Random" board?
I see lots of advantages in moving things to dedicated places. In case of the newbie programming section no one will expect a novel code or tool, but people might browse it in order to help others. Rules are still rules, bad threads still get deleted. The section is (hopefully) no excuse to put or leave nonsense in there. The only thing that changes what you expect about the threads being in there, and that may include code, which is only useful for beginners.

Offline z3ro

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Re: This Board.
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2015, 06:00:54 AM »
I'm sure that moderators are gonna have a great time on this board.   ;D
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Re: This Board.
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2015, 11:01:07 AM »
I think it is the very reason, reactions and poor approach to people's reasons to post there "useless" code that this sub board was created. Its existence and and contents can always go unnoticed to any savvy minds that think it is the same sequence and pattern when taking baby steps.Do you know how frustrating it is to have a so called simple question but have totally failed to find an answer. Maybe you have some shitty code but need quite a review and improvement. It could also be helpful as a "Request for comments" on my code and coding style, how can i improve this code and become better?

Come on Geoff, there are limitless possibilities with this board and since there are no private post from you, then i might comment that you might at some point have need for this board as per reading your posts.

I could also say it would lighten our picture to the other people biased that we never tolerate noobs. Quite the marketing move, guess we didn't require rebranding to lighten and calm the hairs on people's backs like IE.
Thanks ADMINs for this.
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