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Author Topic: Best things to study toward OSCP?  (Read 1013 times)

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Offline KOR

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Best things to study toward OSCP?
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:00:57 PM »
Please use the following template:

I'm currently working in a 1st Line Tech role and I need to get out. I've been studying for a while and know enough to get out but jobs are few and far between. The field I want to get in is either Security Analyst or Penetration Tester. I know the SecAn will do some pen testing and the jobs will be far more frequent, but I love pen testing and what I've learned so far.

So far I have learned Network+, Sec+, I've learned enough Python to get me by, I've got the Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing book and worked my way through that, I'm studying the CEH course online (for free), and I'm really aiming to get the OSCP as quite a few jobs I've been interested in for the future have listed it as their top qualification.

Do you guys have any other suggestions as to what skills I can add to my list?

Offline _Enigma

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Re: Best things to study toward OSCP?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2015, 11:50:55 PM »
I've also been working toward getting ready for OSCP, something that I've found really useful is downloading VMs from and trying everything I know to crack the machine. This'll help get you into the mindset to tackle the labs and the certification itself.

 I recommend trying to avoid using the walkthroughs  as long as possible so that you exhaust all options doing your research. I still remember solutions that took days of research because I thought it was something complex but it ended up being something silly that I overlooked, but all that research is never wasted time if youre effective.

If you do end up resorting to the walkthrough (which will happen in the beginning), read up about the solution and understand why this method may be a new addition to your skillset/ what you look out for.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 11:54:06 PM by _Enigma »


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