I am living in city of fools providing free wifi ap with mac filtering i simply airodumped their network and changed my mac add to one of their device and successfully connected but i can't access the internet while i can see packets going through maybe it's cus i don't have their static ip address and dns server. can anyone help?
Well apart from you also sounding a little foolish yourself you sound like you need direction.
What you want to do is get to know the network.
Setting up a (passive) sniffer like netdiscover will give you a general idea of its layout and the address space used.
First you will need to find the gateway on the network, you could try to just listen in on anyone who is connected in a legit fashion, make note of the destination of the traffic, most likely there is a gateway that does NATting, assuming it is a private address space like 10.x.x.x.
It is common among network administrators to use the last IP address from the segment like such :
As for a DNS server, you can use any puclic server availible like google or opendns, pretty much irrelevant.