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Author Topic: Chromium Calls Home [Privacy]  (Read 1454 times)

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Offline rogue.hackz

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Chromium Calls Home [Privacy]
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:56:20 AM »
Recently I was intrigued by how various browsers like chromium leaks data which I found out the hard way with packet analyzers like Wireshark.

To prove that theory (Chromium leaks data), some guy actually figured that out and filed bug report:

Which goes to show that chromium isn't really ideal browser if you're concerned about your privacy and information that can be personally identifiable and might lead back to you.

So I would be interested in knowing if there's really minimal modern browser that could be an alternative to chromium; it should be secure but at the same time should be widely under development and shouldn't miss out on too many features like Html5 playback, etc.

I looked at other privacy focused chromium forks like this one:

Please feel free to recommend what you think is a good alternative or "works" for you.
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Offline TheWormKill

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Re: Chromium Calls Home [Privacy]
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 12:18:57 PM »
Well, I use firefox, because it is just associated with Mozilla. However, with recent updates, it started to widen it's data-harvesting behaviour: The new "New tab" page by default includes "suggested" and "sponsored" sites. In clear text, your browsing history is analyzed and matched against a database. This behaviour can be disabled, and combined with a few tweaks in firefox' privacy settings it is probably a better choice. However, the question remains: For how long? In that sense, using text-mode browsers might be a viable option privacy-wise, but probably doesn't qualify as modern to many. There are lightweight browsers such as Midori, Dillo, NetSurf... that are GUI-based, as well as some keyboard-centric ones. Those tend to use rendering engines the major browsers use as well, mostly Gecko and webkit, so page rendering should be an ok experience. However, community (if that matters), plugins/addons, and similar stuff aren't a thing there.

TL;DR: It's a compromise between modernism and privacy, and that sucks. We should use the smaller, free browsers more to support their communities and improve them to get out of this dillemma. Hoever, this requires will and work.

EDIT: Now, your question got me interested, so I decided to do some research and do two things:
1. Gather links of minimalistic browsers (primary keyboard-centric)
2. Write some short reviews / report back what I decided to use.

Alas, the links:
* Opera - I used it as a child, pretty mainstream, but a nice thing.
* dwb - webkit based, minimalistic.
   Notes: I installed it on Arch from the repos, and got a segfault pretty fast.
* Vimprobable - seems pretty vim-ish, but kinda heavy maybe
* jumanji - From the makers of the zathura document reader (which I can only recommend)
    Notes: not in production yet.
* luakit - Configured in lua, webkit-based
    Notes: seems awesome and very powerful, trying it out now.
* Conkeror - pretty well known as well
* uzbl - browsing tools adhering to the UNIX philosophy

I hope this cleared the situation up a bit.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 01:17:22 PM by TheWormKill »
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Offline rogue.hackz

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Re: Chromium Calls Home [Privacy]
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2015, 08:00:47 PM »
Thanks for the list @TheWormKill, I've decided to search in Arch User Repository (AUR) for some interesting browsers.

Right now I'm trying Firefox nightly build (firefox-nightly), it's basically the most bleeding edge version of Firefox built directly from source. So far it looks gorgeous, haven't used Firefox in a while so had no idea they changed so much. Also like you suggested they do collect data for site suggestion which you can turn it off. I need to further analyze and see what else they transmit, etc.

Other browsers / Firefox variants that I wanna try over the weekend, but the list is just too big:

Code: [Select]
1) aur/tor-browser-en 5.0.3-1 (452)
    Tor Browser Bundle: Anonymous browsing using firefox and tor

2) aur/palemoon 25.7.3-1 (44)
    Open source web browser based on Firefox focusing on efficiency.

3) aur/icecat 38.3.0-1 (156)
    GNU version of the Firefox browser.

4) aur/vivaldi (118)
    An advanced browser made with the power user in mind.

5) aur/vimprobable2 1.4.2-1 (10)
    Web browser that behaves like Vimperator

6) aur/surf-git 0.6.52.g285cc38-1 (29)
    a WebKit based browser

7) aur/servo-git 12112.842112c-1 (16)
    Parallel Browser Project: web browser written in Rust

8) aur/qutebrowser-git r5611.e11fcda-1 (22)
    A keyboard-driven, vim-like browser based on PyQt5 and QtWebKit

9) aur/qupzilla-git v1.8.0.r142.g8d7cfb0-1 (34)
    A new and very fast open source browser based on WebKit core, written in Qt Framework.

10) aur/midori-bzr r6866-1 (150)
    Lightweight web browser based on WebKit and GTK3 (development version)

11) aur/links-g-directfb 2.12-1 (65)
    A text WWW browser, similar to Lynx (with directfb, X and fb graphics)

12) aur/jumanji-git r464.f8e04e5-1 (114)
    a web browser

13) aur/arora-git (60)
    A lightweight, cross-platform Qt4 WebKit browser

Hmm....if only some members of this community would help and review some of these browsers it'll speed things up a bit.

Ok so here's the first unofficial review of Firefox nightly build. Overall I'm quite impressed by the look and feel, there's a new feature which you can click on (while viewing a site) to make the text more reader friendly. There are some other improvements which I can't focus on at the moment since I haven't used Firefox in a while.

But the things about new Firefox that was a turnoff for me:
- Browser extensions like NoScript doesn't work out of the box / is unsupported since it's bleeding edge.
- Loads pages a bit slower than what I'm used to in Chromium

Other than that if you don't really care about browser plugins, then it's not a big deal.

About data leaks, I lost interest after some of the older plugins failed to work properly therefore haven't bothered going further analyzing how much data it transmits after you turn off the defaults.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 09:28:01 PM by rogue.hackz »
"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing" -Socrates


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