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Author Topic: Links for today (part 3)  (Read 267 times)

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Offline TheWormKill

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Links for today (part 3)
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:51:14 PM »
So, in come links again.

* Markdeep - a markdown with rendering and syntax extensions.
* Quipper - a functional programming language for quantum computing
* Stuff on coredumps
* From python to Go and back - an interesting, though non-technical presentation on switching to differnt technologies, understanding requirements etc.
* Cron pitfalls - although I hate this site's hipsterish style, the content is rather good, don't let the view distract you
* Windows 10 upgrade is getting more intrusive - not sure how true that is, but alarming nonetheless
* Fun stuff with a lot of data and python

Below some links on installing/maintaining OpenRC on Arch Linux. Haven't tried them yet, but I plan to.
* The wiki article
* Installation notices from
* Config notices from the same plae
* A blog entry on the topic

As always, tell me what you think. I'm especially intrigued to hear your opinions on the OpenRC+Arch combo.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 04:45:49 PM by TheWormKill »
Stuff I did: How to think like a superuser, Iridium

He should make that "Haskell"
<m0rph-is-gay> fuck you thewormkill you python coding mother fucker


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