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Author Topic: Informational Site For Learning About Computers  (Read 228 times)

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Informational Site For Learning About Computers
« on: October 05, 2015, 09:47:10 PM »
I found this website while doing some research and thought it might be useful for others if they are studying computing.

As 'Human knowledge belongs to the world', I am here to share my knowledge with all of you. This site is for the students and developers, who want to learn computer programming, hardware and networking.

All the tutorials in the website are written with good standard, effective presentation, friendly interface and is easy to navigate. In addition, I have added a tip box on right side of each page offering practical advice related to the content of that page.

In programming you can learn C, C++, Java, HTML, WML, and XML. Where each language is linked as chapters starting from basics, graphical user interface (GUI), database, and networking. All examples in the chapters consist of definition, source code and description. For practice purpose and to gain some more knowledge, practice examples with source code are added at the end of each chapter.

Hardware part consists of computer fundamentals, basics of electronics, various input, output, storage and powering devices. It also includes installation steps of the system, debugging errors and hardware and software related faults.

Networking tutorials covers fundamentals of networking, OSI model, TCP/IP model, network components and various networking protocols.
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