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Author Topic: New forum feature: thanks  (Read 1388 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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New forum feature: thanks
« on: October 14, 2015, 08:05:09 AM »
As a part of OP Forum_revival we had installed Rates earlier, keeping in mind it'll replace cookies one day, but after more thorough inspection, it proved to be useless so we only used it to have a like system instead, however that mod was a bit of an overkill for what we were using, so out goes Rates and in comes Thanks - it's much nicer, integrates with our theme better and has pretty much the same features. Only this it doesn't have is filtering threads, but doubt anyone was using it anyway, so it's a much better replacement. IMO it's much clearer.
Therefore, as before, all thank-you posts will be eradicated, and those that will keep doing it will be warned.

Thanks button can be found on every post above post text and you can withdraw your post. In your profile you can see how many times you've been thanked, and when you go to "Show Posts" there are 2 new sections where you can see posts you thanked for and posts you've been thanked for.
Mod also has stats - scroll down and you'll see on 5th row there are new stats.

Mod is disabled on "Board of Shame" and "Request VIP".

To distinguish cookies and thank-you posts, I guess you can treat thank to say thanks per-post where you want to thank for that particular post which was helpful and cookies are to thank a person in general terms for some good post which maybe wasn't helpful but cool.
Cookies should have more weight, so for quality stuff you should give a cookie, for a general post which you liked, use thanks. Maybe later we'll transition this to be used instead of karma... not sure.

I know there was a problem with Chrome but I think I fixed it, if you still experience issues, please tell me right away.

That is all.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 08:43:10 PM by Kulverstukas »


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