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Author Topic: Turing over a new leaf  (Read 262 times)

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Offline th31nitiate

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Turing over a new leaf
« on: August 22, 2015, 02:59:48 AM »
Turing over a new leaf

Life is full of uncertainty. There is no you, but a collective. Ideas scattered in an endless sea of nothingness. We share because we are information, ideas gathered up to form a sea of electrons.
I am never certain, I just live one bit at a time, consistently watching the clock. Hours fly by I’m lost in the maze. Life wants me to conform, I’m told I failed and but from who’s perception.
I am a seed, only I know the potential I hold… My packaging don’t look nice but only I know my source. From the source you will know what the seed will produce. I take great care to obfuscate my source. So that those that have faith in me, will be rewarded by the fruit I bear in transmutation.
Society says I’m a failure in this life of mine. From my point of view what they say is true. I acknowledge it. How can I know success without first knowing failure? I am th31nitiate, I am the learner. I have forever been and will be learning through time from the collective consciousness and through endless sea of human knowledge. My hope is to make something of this pool of knowledge.
Like anyone else, to some I know everything, to others I know nothing; but to me I know I can know all that I need to.
Mind, body and spirit… MY KEYS. I must leave everything behind so that I may move forward. The past has to end so that the new may take hold.
They say pressure makes a diamond. I believe it takes the right type of pressure to create something beautiful.
A new journey begins… A new start begins… but only through action may one such thing be brought forth to manifests what truly must be.
I’m hard headed, that’s what they say. I don’t listen and follow instructions. I do listen, but I just don’t believe the action you recommend will benefit my master plan.
I’m delusional, it’s just that unlike you I have created my own delusion, unlike yours which you have been given.
I hope your plans fail, I hope they fail to… as long as I learn a lesson from each failure.

I have demons that sleep with in, don’t wake them up. I don’t want to go prison. I accept the demons I carry. They are mine to bear, focus on your demons so that you may know yours better. So they you may control them and not them you.

Let the wind blow and let the leaf turn, let tomorrow be a brighter day and let yesterday serve as reminder of what not to do tomorrow.
There is her, what to do about her… My mind burns at the things I cannot see, but I think I can see. Is she like them or is she different… mother of my children or just another lesion. Life is so uncertain. Why be with failure, what her game. What’s her game, she not after my money because I don’t have any. She doesn’t judge me, she seen and smelled me at my worst and yet she is here. What’s her game, what the fuck is she after? Too good to be true, there is a catch I just haven’t found it yet, there is always one. Time is the keeper of secrets and time will tell me who she is. But that means she must stay. What if time has already told me but I missed it.
I need to transmute while keeping my family close. 


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