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Author Topic: Artificial Womb a blessing! or?  (Read 348 times)

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Re: Artificial Womb a blessing! or?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2015, 06:14:52 AM »
I think that ecotogenesis/artificial wombs are a wonderful thing that can't come quickly enough for so many different reasons.

Regardless of the legality of it, many employers still ask women during interviews about their plans to have children or things along those lines. It makes it much more difficult for women to have children and a career at the same time. This is especially true because women are often pressured their entire lives to have children. They are told from childhood that one day they're going to have children. On top of that, giving birth is a painful and traumatic experience for many women, and many women still die from it.

A surrogate would also no longer be required for gay men who want children or women who are infertile due to issues with their uterus.

It's even good for the children themselves. We constantly hear of new things that you're not supposed to do while your pregnant because of effects that it may have on the baby. For all we know there are a host of things right now that we should not be doing, but with this technology it wouldn't matter.

I'm generally a supporter for transhumanist projects and technology though. I don't understand why people would claim that we're "playing God" or that this is "unnatural" or even why those are necessarily bad things.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 06:15:02 AM by Freak »


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