Using bash I made a text "animation" of nyan cat. The 2nd link on google for "nyan cat ascii" led me here: to 10n1z3d
I added option for music in it, using either vlc or mplayer. Those lines are commented by default. Tested only with mplayer, but vlc should work.
Was made mostly as template for this type of thing. Wasted a good hour doing this.
Example Output:
# config
+ o + o \n\
+ o + +\n\
o + \n\
o + + + \n\
+ o o + o\n\
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,------, o \n\
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-| /\_/\ \n\
-_-_-_-_-_-_-~|__( ^ .^) + +\n\
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-\"\" \"\" \n\
+ o o + o \n\
+ + \n\
o o o o +\n\
o + \n\
+ + o o + \n
" "
o + + + \n\
o + o\n\
o + \n\
+ o + o \n\
o + o +\n\
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-,------, o + \n\
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| /\_/\ + \n\
_-_-_-_-_-_-_~|__( ^ .^) o \n\
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ \"\" \"\" \n\
+ + o o + \n\
o + o +\n\
+ o + + o \n\
+ + \n\
+ o + \n
" )
# end
# count lines of first ascii picture in array
LINES_PER_IMG=$(( $(echo $IMGS[0] | sed 's/\\n/\n/g' | wc -l) + 1 ))
# tput $1 LINES_PER_IMG times, used for cuu1(cursor up) cud1(cursor down)
tput_loop() { for((x=0; x < $LINES_PER_IMG; x++)); do tput $1; done; }
# ^C abort, script cleanup
trap sigtrap INT
# make cursor visible again
tput cvvis
# reset cursor
tput_loop "cud1"
# stop audio
#kill `pgrep vlc`
#kill `pgrep mplayer` 2&> /dev/null
echo "caught signal SIGINT(CTRL+C), quitting ..."
exit 1
# need multi-space strings
# start audio, vlc & mplayer examples
#vlc $AUDIO_FILE --quiet --loop --volume=100 &
#mplayer -really-quiet -loop 0 $AUDIO_FILE < /dev/null &
# hide the cursor
tput civis
# main loop, pretty self explanatory
while [ 1 ]; do for x in "${IMGS[@]}"; do
echo -ne $x
tput_loop "cuu1"
sleep $REFRESH
done; done
# will never reach here, CTRL+C is required to quit