For myself, programming consists of 90% searching on
startpage for code examples of what I am trying to accomplish, and 10% fixing the bugs in my buggy code.
Recently I found that there is a better way. is a simple python script that will look on or optionally any of
these sites for the answer to your programming questions.
You can install it using pip:
pip install howdoi
and using it is as simple as:
$ howdoi print stack trace python
> import traceback
> try:
> 1/0
> except:
> print '>>> traceback <<<'
> traceback.print_exc()
> print '>>> end of traceback <<<'
> traceback.print_exc()
$ howdoi convert mp4 to animated gif
> video=/path/to/video.avi
> outdir=/path/to/output.gif
> mplayer "$video" \
> -ao null \
> -ss "00:01:00" \ # starting point
> -endpos 10 \ # duration in second
> -vo gif89a:fps=13:output=$outdir \
> -vf scale=240:180
$ howdoi create tar archive
> tar -cf backup.tar --exclude "www/subf3" www
So before you waste time in your browser or asking on a forum simple programming questions, give it a go.
I find it very helpful personally.