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Author Topic: The Creator's List: Questions to answer when you get a projest idea.  (Read 411 times)

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George Zisiadis made it a point to compile a list of 100 questions to quide any creative project. This isn't a list of project ideas for your coding pleasure, sorry. But now to shape your ideas and probably keep you motivated for the project life time.

Here we go...
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The Creator's List
100 questions to guide any creative project
by George Zisiadis

1. What are you doing?
2. Why are you doing this?
3. What are you trying to communicate to people?
4. What inspired this idea originally?
5. How long have you been thinking about this?
6. What else has been done that's similar to your project?
7. How is your project different?
8. What are your assumptions?
9. What are your hypotheses of what will happen?
10. What's in it for you?
11. What's in it for others?
12. What does success look like?
13. What does failure look like?
14. What are you most afraid of?
15. What's the worst that could realistically happen?
16. What's the best that could realistically happen?
17. How would you explain it to an 8 year old?
18. How would you explain it to an 80 year old?
19. How would you explain it in three words?
20. What is your project's name?
21. ls this enough to clearly communicate what it's about?
22. What are the assumptions around your area of exploration?
23. What is the last thing people would expect?
24. What would you do if you were in zero gravity?
25. What is the most fun thing you can do?
26. What would you do if you had $ 100 million?
27. What would your project look like as a movie?
28. What would it look like as a painting?
29. What would it look like as a dance?
30. What would it sound like as a song?
31. What would it feel like as an object?
32. What would it taste like?
33. What would it smell like?
34. What would your project look like if it was ongoing?
35. What would your project look like as an organization?
36. Who are you trying to appeal to?
37. What kind of person would love this?
38. What kind of person would hate this?
39. What kind of person would be indifferent?
40. Who will your project make proud?
41. Who will your project upset?
42. How could you prototype this in a week?
43. How could you prototype this tomorrow?
44. How could you prototype this in the next hour?
45. What skills are you missing to turn this into a reality?
46. Who around you has those skills?
47. What tools are you missing to turn this into a reality?
48. What free alternatives to those tools are out there?
49. How much do you estimate it will cost to fully complete?
51 . How can you prototype it for less than $20?
52. if you absolutely had to, which element would you cut?
53. Which element would you never cut?
54. How many people do you want to experience this?
55. What is the best way for someone to experience this?
56. How long will a typical interaction be?
57. How deep would you like each interaction be?
58. What would you give up to make more time for this?
59. Who would have a really good perspectivelthoughts?
50. How can you cut corners expense-wise?
60. Who might be willing to collaborate with you on this?
61. When will you reach out to them?
62. What emotions do you feel around your area of exploration?
63. How do you want people to feel when interacting?
64. What do you want people to think?
65. What do you want people to remember?
66. What do you want people to tell their friends?
67. How would an 80 year old interact with your project?
68. How would an 8 year old interact with your project?
69. Will this be memorable a week after someone experiences it?
70. Will this be memorable in five years?
71. What do you want your project's "impact" to be?
72. Can you quantify and measure that impact?
73. Do you expect your project to change the world?
74. What is a way in which it realistically could?
75. How much and what kind of recognition do you hope for?
76. Which blogs do you think would be interested?
77. What would be their headline?
78. What would they write about?
79. What would people tweet about your project?
80. Are you okay with never getting any publicity for this project?
81. Might people eventually be willing to pay?
82. ls it important that this project produces income?
83. What are the most important parts to document?
84. What is the best way to document? photos? video? audio?
85. How can someone experience your project in five years?
86. What about your project needs to be experienced in person?
87. What do you expect to learn from this project?
88. What do you expect to love about this project?
89. What do you expect to hate about this project?
90. What are you overlooking?
91. What will keep you motivated when the going gets tough?
92. How long will this project take to complete?
93. What is the minimum that is needed to have a premiere?
94. What will that premiere entail?
95. At what exact date and time will your project premiere?
96. Why can't it premiere earlier?
97. Which friend of yours will hold you to that date and time?
98. When will the first draft! prototype be ready?
99. Why can't it be ready earlier?
100.What are you waiting for?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 11:04:48 AM by Kulverstukas »
If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it yourself.[<NgGw/hsq]>EvbQrOrousk[/img]


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