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Author Topic: GPD - GamePad Digital portable game consoles  (Read 828 times)

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GPD - GamePad Digital portable game consoles
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:19:21 AM »
I've been following this for around a year and it has gone a great length since then - however it's very weird that there aren't many reviews about these products.
I have a PSP and that shit deprecated (sadly) long time ago - it was really cool while it lasted. But now I see similar products emerging with android which would be really cool - there is one company that has a professional looking website that make these consoles:

There are many reviews about their older product, but I am now interested in this one:
Which looks VERY similar to a PSP, but it doesn't have R2/L2 buttons, which would make PS1 gameplay painful.
Something like this: would be a better fit for fully-compatible gameplay, but it's much bigger :/

All in all I'd probably go with the first one, since I wouldn't imagine I would play emulated games a lot, since android has plenty already and more coming frequently.



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