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Author Topic: "Field Commander" mini-review  (Read 333 times)

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"Field Commander" mini-review
« on: November 29, 2014, 05:40:06 PM »

Fighting works similar to other games in the genre but had many unique elements which included the ability to destroy terrain, reduce down and eventually destroy cities, special buildings that could call in attacks from off the board,such as Airstrikes, Napalm Launchers, stealth units in every terrain type, and the ability to stack units in a single tile. Stacking units could be taken to an extreme. A player can have a plane, a tank on a bridge, a boat under the bridge, and a submerged sub all in the same grid space.

My input:

From the name I thought it would be a really cool strategy game, like Command&Conquer, but it turns out to be a turn-based garbage. I truly hate turn-based games, if I wanted to play one - I would fuckin' play a board game, kk? and it doesn't end there - the whole gameplay is b0rked to shit, very hard to control and understand what is going on.
Basically I haven't played this game more than 30 minutes because I started to hate it after hat time... however if you like turn-based crap like Heroes or something, you might wanna give this a whirl.


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