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Author Topic: Unix + HD failure + compatibility?  (Read 350 times)

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Unix + HD failure + compatibility?
« on: October 31, 2014, 08:40:27 PM »
Yeah, I'm a fucking mess.

I finally finished building my firewall. I got the last piece in, my network card. So the next step I took was to install pfSense on the hard drive. For some fucking reason, doing this fucked everything up. As soon as I reboot, I find that the screen hangs on the startup splash screen. No errors, nothing. Pfsense worked fine when it was just the live CD, but as soon as I install it to my harddrive it cannot detect the keyboard, and it won't auto-boot past the start screen. It just hangs there forever. I cannot get into the BIOS or the Boot menu, because the keyboard doesn't work. The dumbass fucking computer guy at the nearby store told me that it's either the IDE cable or the hard drive failing. Since I have an old HD lying around I decided fuck it, I'll just try to install it on this one and see if the other harddrive really did fail, which is unlikely, and completely infuriating, considering I just bought this thing new a week ago.

So, I plug in the old piece of shit, and install. Sure enough, same exact symptoms. Everything works perfectly, until I reboot after installing, then it stops detecting the peripherals, and just hangs forever at the start screen. So, it's not the IDE cable, and it's extremely unlikely that both of my harddrives just happen to fail the very second I install pfSense on them.

So my question is.. what the fuck is going on? I must be the only fucking idiot in the entire world who literally failed two harddrives by installing something on them..
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