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Author Topic: My route-Would like opinions  (Read 258 times)

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My route-Would like opinions
« on: August 21, 2014, 06:28:38 AM »
Right now, my main goal is to become a reverse engineer. Later on I'll go for RHCA and CISSP-ISSAP. I know on paper it only states you can do something until you can actually prove it. I know there is a lot of certs but I am young, time is on my side. I have chose these specific certs in a specific orders for the following reasons:

1. Gradual learning. The OSCP isn't just another test, you have to know your stuff. A 24 hour exam is exhausting for anyone. I don't want to be a kid who says he can do something but has nothing to show for it.
2. Hands on labs, meaning practice. Our brains grows most when we learn from our mistakes.
3. Self study, meaning I can do them on my own time.

I really do want to go to college but I don't want to be a typical broke college kid and not be able to pay off my debt. Right now I feel I'm not ready for college cause I don't know enough. I haven't learned calc 3 and 4 yet and I still suck at trig. College isn't there to teach your practical skills, it teaches you how to think in the real world. It's ~15k total for everything, which isn't that bad since I really have no bills to pay, I still live with my mom.
If you give some tool to a hacker, he will first set it apart, see how it works and bring it back to original state. Learn, explore, Be curious and question everything.
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