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Author Topic: Speed Up The Arch Install Process With The AUI Script  (Read 1258 times)

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Speed Up The Arch Install Process With The AUI Script
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:55:35 AM »
The Archlinux Ultimate Install script in my opinion is a must have for any experienced Arch user. What it does is make the Arch install process way easier and straight forward so that you can get your system up in running without much hassle. Before I continue I would just like to mention that if you are a new Arch user and have never installed it before do not use this. Go through the actual install process a few times so you actually know what you're doing and how it all pieces together. Now actually installing and using this script is  a fairly simple process. All you have to do is boot into the Arch install environment and issue the following commands : pacman -Syu && pacman -S git , git clone git:// From there you just go into the directory it was installed in and do ./ais to get the base system, reboot, go back into the directory and run ./aui to install the rest of the things you'd need to run a linux distro. If for some reason you still don't understand this I'll leave a link below of someone going through the entire process. Hope this helps some of you fellow Archers with installing / reinstalling arch linux on one or multiple machines.

Video -
Github Page -
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