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Author Topic: [CONTEST]Break The Code  (Read 1542 times)

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Offline Zesh

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[CONTEST]Break The Code
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:53:43 PM »
Well I don't see anyone else setting up a contest and as Ive got nothing to do Ima try one :)

As you can tell from the title, I'll give you some code which you'll have to break, first one to do so wins.


1. Two entries per post.
2. No double posting(well that's a given :D )

No prize for this one as I'm just wanting to get people to participate first. Maybe you'll get +1 rep.

Code: [Select]

1. The order is letters, numbers, symbols.

The key to breaking the code lies within the code, its pretty easy to spot. If no one can get it I'll give a out another clue. Mind you this is sort of a test run if you can break the code then I'll revamp the post with more codes and a prize.

Break away :P


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