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Author Topic: "Test drive Unlimited" mini-review  (Read 335 times)

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"Test drive Unlimited" mini-review
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:59:53 AM »

In the world of Test Drive Unlimited, the player is able to drive both on-road and off-road in free-roam mode, challenging any real life racers they encounter. The roads are modeled after satellite images of the island of Oʻahu. The terrain differs from rainforest and mountains to sandy beaches and Hawaiʻi's capital city, Honolulu. It is worth noting however, that other built-up areas on the island are not represented.

My input:

Apparently this game was released for few platforms, but I am playing it on a PSP. I can only say good things about it. It is very much like NFSU/2 without the pimping capabilities. TDU allows to upgrade cars, but in packages, doesn't let you to choose individual stuff to upgrade. You can drive in the open world and it's huge, has cops that are really annoying :P and you can't hide from them like you could in NFSMW. You can buy houses and store cars in there. What I kinda missed in the game is that once you bought a car, you cannot sell it or otherwise loose it. So if you win a piece of crap car which you will never drive, you can't throw it away and it'll just take up precious parking space - that IMO is a bit stupid. If you can sell and exchange houses, then you should also be able to do that with cars.
Wiki says you can also play online doing same stuff but in real world, I didn't try it tho, but it should be awesome.
Driving isn't realistic (it's not a simulator doe), but it differs from car to car and when you upgrade, has many types of cars and the gameplay is veeeeeeery loooooong. It's a manager-type of a game where you gotta buy cars and houses, upgrade the cars, delve into competitions to progress and gain experience points and whatnot.
Overall I love this game and it's really nice to have such a game on a PSP.


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