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Author Topic: Fucking Stupid Coding PDF's  (Read 2516 times)

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Offline ZeroBoy

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Re: Fucking Stupid Coding PDF's
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2014, 06:01:22 AM »
I think the problem is not learning from PDFs, the problem resides in the scripting languages it self (Ruby, even python is involved :o). things differs from version to another one of the language (it's just like software). I think they should work on a standard version of the language, rather than deleting stuff and adding some more creepy stuff.

There is nothing wrong with books, but in my opinion, i think the easy way to learn a new language is to read a quick tutorial and have a general idea about the programming language. then move to read some book, doing a lot of practice, and tuning codes...

And when done from that, you start the real learning process which is working on some juicy projects... you can't say that you know a programming language without doing some projects on it.


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