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Author Topic: [Batch] Windows alarm for triggering things and stuff..  (Read 624 times)

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[Batch] Windows alarm for triggering things and stuff..
« on: March 19, 2014, 12:31:18 PM »
I find myself wanting to set an alarm quickly on-the-fly when I have important things to do(water my plants, go to work). The task runs once and is deleted automatically after it runs, which suits my purpose as an arbitrary alarm. The scheduled task simply launches my browser with a certain URL(Pandora in this case). I like listening to classical music when I wake up, as it's not as startling. Sometimes it still scares me when it kicks in though.

Two files, one that schedules the task; and one that specifies the task itself. Modify accordingly:

alarm.bat (schedule the task)
Code: (bash) [Select]
@echo off
set taskName="alarm"
set taskFile="c:\users\frog\desktop\tmp\wakeup.bat"
set /p alarmTime="Enter a time for alarm to start(24-hour format, hh:mm): "
schtasks /create /tn %taskName% /tr %taskFile% /sc once /st %alarmTime% /v1 /z
schtasks | find %taskName%

wakeup.bat (task to schedule)
Code: (bash) [Select]
rem Start baroque pandora station

start "baroque pandora station" "chrome"
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 02:03:51 PM by frog »

Offline Kulverstukas

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Re: [Batch] Windows alarm for triggering things and stuff..
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 06:21:50 PM »
And what's wrong with your phone alarm? also if you have a decent MP3 player, not that shitty iCrap gay looking crap, but a manly MP3 player, not that tiny Chinese bullshit with basic functions, a manly MP3 player I said, you could install RockBox on that mofo.
I have a Sansa Clip+, not your average iShit, and with rockbox that bitch can wake you up like a baws - complete with a simple alarm clock that can play whatever shitty music or radio station you desire. Though an external speaker is required for that :P

Offline frog

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Re: [Batch] Windows alarm for triggering things and stuff..
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 09:40:38 PM »
And what's wrong with your phone alarm? also if you have a decent MP3 player, not that shitty iCrap gay looking crap, but a manly MP3 player, not that tiny Chinese bullshit with basic functions, a manly MP3 player I said, you could install RockBox on that mofo.
I have a Sansa Clip+, not your average iShit, and with rockbox that bitch can wake you up like a baws - complete with a simple alarm clock that can play whatever shitty music or radio station you desire. Though an external speaker is required for that :P

I do have an Android phone which I use most of the time for my alarm. I guess it's that I don't really need or want an extra device; I use my computer almost every day right after waking up so it's nice to have some shit playing when I finally do wake up. Also I don't need a consistent alarm(I'll use my android for that); my life is inconsistent so it helps to have a quick way to set a one time alarm. In short, for me sometimes this works best.

On a side note, I already have an mp3 player that replaces my Jeep's stereo system until I have enough money to get it fixed. It is an ipod but I paid 40 bucks and it's small as fuck. I need it small because I like to go skateboarding/roam around without some big teef shit rustling around in my pocket. It's made of some type of metal(probably aluminum) and might be a bit tougher than it's plastic peers like the sandisk ones. It's literally a square inch/inch and a half. Plus the metal casing will stand up to more abuse in case I do fall during a skate session or whatever.

The sansa clip would have been a bit cheaper for sure, and I actually might get one when the ipod goes. Other than that, it's good to know that I can put some custom software on those sandisk mp3 players because I think those are pretty slick. It was spur of the moment when I bought mine so I just went to Best Buy(I know, teef as fuck).

The main thing is that I demonstrate how to schedule tasks from the command line using something other than 'at'.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 09:41:51 PM by frog »

Offline proxx

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Re: [Batch] Windows alarm for triggering things and stuff..
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 08:51:44 AM »
And what's wrong with your phone alarm? also if you have a decent MP3 player, not that shitty iCrap gay looking crap, but a manly MP3 player, not that tiny Chinese bullshit with basic functions, a manly MP3 player I said, you could install RockBox on that mofo.
I have a Sansa Clip+, not your average iShit, and with rockbox that bitch can wake you up like a baws - complete with a simple alarm clock that can play whatever shitty music or radio station you desire. Though an external speaker is required for that :P
Phones however sound like shit.
Would require to plug it into some sound system.
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
This was another little experiment *evillaughter - Proxx.
Evilception... - Phage


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