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Author Topic: Li Fi  (Read 356 times)

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Offline Axon

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Li Fi
« on: December 30, 2013, 10:20:44 PM »
I just found out about this new technology, so I decided to post some information about it. We are knocking on the doors of photons faster than ever.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 10:21:05 PM by Axon »

Offline karsa

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Re: Li Fi
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 01:08:17 AM »
I read about this about a year ago and while it's certainly interesting I don't see it becoming a widespread thing in the coming years. There are a number of reasons why that is but IMO they boil down to advantages vs. the disadvantages of a new technology when you already have something that 'just werks'. There are many potential uses, but it would still be a niche market in the foreseeable future. What I find most interesting are the last two paragraphs of the independent's article. It would be pretty cool to see how an ill minded individual  would capture the traffic between the transmitter and the receiver in terms of hardware required to achieve the capture. I'm a bit rusty with physics but I think it wouldn't be that hard to do it. There was also mention of converting street lights to enable 24/7 access to the internet, but as useful as it may sound at first, it would just introduce new ways of monitoring people and exploiting the technology against them. Sure, the social network enthusiasts and alike may flock right to it so they can share their genius more often, but I see one more thing to be very cautious of. It's not like you can hide or protect anything online now, but exploiting LiFi for malicious things seems like adding insult to injury. Thoughts?


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