The main characters in both games are three Vikings, Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout. The goal is to guide all Vikings safely through each level. A major gameplay feature is due to the fact that the player controls three different characters (although only one at any given time), and must make use of their individual abilities and work as a team to solve puzzles and progress. This also means that the characters who are not controlled at the moment remain open to hazards and must either be protected or left in safety.
http://www.gamespot.com/search/?q=the+lost+vikingsMy input:
I didn't like this game so much, because it was VERY long and VERY hard. I didn't complete even half of it in half a year playing it. But I think it is worth to mention in here because it was still funny. Oh yeah I was playing "Lost Vikings 2" btw.
Even though it was so hard to complete, it had really funny dialogues and a really funny story. I was gaming it on PS1.
See this youtube video for a gameplay: