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Author Topic: "Bioshock 1/2" mini-review  (Read 528 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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"Bioshock 1/2" mini-review
« on: September 13, 2013, 06:26:42 PM »

BioShock is set in 1960, in which the player guides the protagonist, Jack, after his airplane crashes in the ocean near the bathysphere terminus that leads to the underwater city of Rapture. Built by the business magnate Andrew Ryan, the city was intended to be an isolated utopia, but the discovery of ADAM, a plasmid which grants superhuman powers, initiated the city's turbulent decline. Jack tries to find a way to escape, fighting through hordes of ADAM-obsessed enemies such as the deadly Big Daddies, while engaging with the few sane humans that remain and eventually learning of Rapture's past.

My input:

Bioshock is one of the games that are very good and I haven't played in a long time. Most of the time games are storyless and corny. It has a unique idea, a unique storyline with a nice twist at the end, really an unexpected ending :)
Not too much horror, more action and a huge map to explore.
What I really liked about "Bioshock 2" was that you get to control the big daddy being it yourself. smashing shit in sight :D it was cool. Just as cool as killing them in a previous game lol.
Anyway, watch the trailers and play the game, it's great.
I haven't played the latest - Infinity, but when I'll do it, I'll post about it :)


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