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Author Topic: Freddie Krueger VS Agent Smith  (Read 780 times)

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Freddie Krueger VS Agent Smith
« on: July 25, 2013, 02:54:34 PM »
In a dark alley, two cats jump into a dumpster. Not two cats at a different time, but the same cat... only moments apart from each other. Something has changed in the Matrix.

A low, evil chuckle comes from down the alley and a man clad in a red and black striped sweater, a black fedora, and a familiar clawed hand step out from the shadows..

A man in a black suit and tie steps out of the alley directly across the street. Despite the hour, he wears his sunglasses. He has a smirk on his face.

"Mr. Krueger, he begins. You must be the anomaly that they have spoken of... now while it is uncertain how you have found your way into this system, I know that you have been killing off the people plugged into it since you got here. It appears that you have some sort of power here in this world of electronic dreams... but, he smirks, so do I...."

The man in the fedora smiles a twisted smile.... "Ooooh! He squeals. I've been naughty! Spank me, Daddy!"

"No that will not be necessary... You see the people of this world are for MY gain and mine alone. You very existence is offensive and now I shall dispose of you like I have so many others."

Freddy Krueger holds up his claws. "This is MY dream world now, asshole." He points at Smith with his index claw and beckons him.

Who would win? DEBATE!

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Re: Freddie Krueger VS Agent Smith
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 04:12:32 PM »
Tie or win to smith depending on viewpoint and if this is smith pre "infection" or after.

pre infection. kruger can not die, simply because when you are that poorly written of a character you will infect peoples mind with your banal existance. Smith can not die, because of how the system itself is written. so TIE.

smith 2.0-win. smith simply injects himself into kruger becoming a smith/kruger hybrid that makes edward scissor hands look like a cuddly pet. however as smith would initiate this evilest of possible hybrids he is the "winner" but the real winner here is the detergent companys from all the wet beds that this creates.

that being said the REAL fight i want to see is lawnmower man vs smith.
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