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Author Topic: virtual machine question  (Read 9514 times)

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Offline 4ntis3c

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virtual machine question
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:44:21 PM »
Hey guys,
Sorry for my language in advance :p
So, a friend of mine said you can actually trace someone, even though he uses a proxy (I use openvpn) because of some code that is specially made for your pc or something, is this true?
Also, would this problem be dealt with if u use a virtual machine?
And last but not least: I have backtrack, ubuntu and debian installed on my VM, but (exept for backtrack) annoys the crap out of me cuz u can't download anything and is very hard to use (even backtrack, but what u need is always explained on youtube and such). Yea i know, I'm a nuub, but I just started hacking not even a week ago.. Before i've only used windows and played games on my pc.. So no history whatsoever in programming and hacking...
So, for the sake of having an easy to use Virtual machine: is there any windows operating system out there (xp or above) that u can download for free??

and last question: is there a tutorial out there that explains (in simple words) what to install to become (almost) completely untraceable on the internet?

Thx in advance guys,
love 4ntis3c

Offline vezzy

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2013, 03:36:35 AM »
Operating systems and programs do leave history, cache and temp files with incriminating information, yes. That's where computer forensics comes into play: scavenging that info. Proprietary companies such as Micro$oft and Apple are typically much bigger on tracking you. A virtual machine OS still retains the functionality, so no, but you can get rid of evidence much easier.

VPN != proxy. In layman's terms: VPN encrypts data, proxy hides you.

It seems you need to get acquianted with Linux/*nix/Unix-like systems. You have to compile packages yourself or download from the precompiled software repositories (in Debian-based OS, the package retrieval manager is apt-get). There's simply too much to explain if you're an absolute newbie, so start learning.

"is there any windows operating system out there (xp or above) that u can download for free??"

Look up BitTorrent, file sharing and warez.

As for being untraceable, anonymity is a separate field in itself, but for starters, try this tutorial written by an EZ member.

You honestly need to embrace the DIY ethic and accept that you must help yourself before you can be helped.
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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2013, 04:42:32 AM »
I seriously recommend you start learning how to use linux and get a strong foundation of it. And also start learning about networking mainly TCP/IP and how it all works. After that, there are lots of tutorials here on EZ about Anonymity and it should help answer any of your questions. Learning the information on your own is the best thing you can do.

And the thing with the VM is not accurate in the slightest.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 04:43:22 AM by Mike245 »

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2013, 04:43:41 AM »
Hey guys,
Sorry for my language in advance :p
So, a friend of mine said you can actually trace someone, even though he uses a proxy (I use openvpn) because of some code that is specially made for your pc or something, is this true?
Also, would this problem be dealt with if u use a virtual machine?
And last but not least: I have backtrack, ubuntu and debian installed on my VM, but (exept for backtrack) annoys the crap out of me cuz u can't download anything and is very hard to use (even backtrack, but what u need is always explained on youtube and such). Yea i know, I'm a nuub, but I just started hacking not even a week ago.. Before i've only used windows and played games on my pc.. So no history whatsoever in programming and hacking...
So, for the sake of having an easy to use Virtual machine: is there any windows operating system out there (xp or above) that u can download for free??

and last question: is there a tutorial out there that explains (in simple words) what to install to become (almost) completely untraceable on the internet?

Thx in advance guys,
love 4ntis3c

Well since vezzy already covered most.
Linux is not hard.
Really its not.
You must understand that its a totally different thing from windows or anything your used to.
You will be lost at first like the first time sitting at a computer.
We all been there.

But you wont regret it I can promise you that.
What do you mean with; Cannot download anything ?
You must understand that installing things on linux is often much easier than on windows, only not in the way you are used to.
Almost any distro out there works with a package manager.
You are probably fammiliar with the google play store and Apple's Itunes or store or whatever its called these days.
Well basically they borrowed the idea.

Linux is different and may have a steep learning curve but its damn well worth it, I personally wish I started even years earlier.
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Offline lucid

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2013, 06:56:20 AM »
You can get just about any OS for free. WinVista Win7, even Win8. And even though it's been said I will say it again. There are ALOT of different things that make you anonymous, don't read any one tutorial and think you are good. Sure there's using a proxy, but there is also encryption, caches and logs, there is browser security such as User Agent and referrer url, there is local net security such as MAC address and DHCP properties like your hostname and vendor class id. Just because you use a proxy or VPN and encrypt your home folder doesn't make you safe at all. Also, openVPN is based in California. If you live in the US don't rely on anything that is in the same country as you for obvious reasons.

By the way, don't be discouraged. Just about everything I mentioned up there is unbelievably easy to fix/hide/deal with, at least in linux. For example, changing your broadcasted vendor class id and hostname consists of altering a few lines in a config file. User Agent and referrer url consists of changing a line or two in the about:config of firefox. MAC address is just a command away. A virtual machine is a decent idea, especially if you have it set up inside an external encrypted drive. Maybe with a few keyfiles to unlock it. A better idea is to have a liveUSB with no persistence. Nothing is saved on the actual computer and every time you boot up the USB it's as if it's a fresh install more or less, assuming you have no persistence set up.

Your name is 4ntis3c, I'm sure you'd be interested in things like Liberte or Tails. One more thing though, DON'T RELY ON TOR FOR ABSOLUTE ANONYMITY. It can help, assuming you use it right which, most people don't. On that note, don't rely on anything for complete anonymity.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2013, 06:57:29 AM by lucid »
"Hacking is at least as much about ideas as about computers and technology. We use our skills to open doors that should never have been shut. We open these doors not only for our own benefit but for the benefit of others, too." - Brian the Hacker

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2013, 08:45:57 AM »
While you're at it, learn the proper meaning of "hacking". Because you seem to use the word quite often, but I seriously doubt you truly know what it means and I hate seeing it being abused.

There was a discussion about what it really means to other people, you can check it in thread below:

Offline 4ntis3c

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2013, 10:01:38 AM »
I probably don't, but I don't see hacking as a thing only 'bad ppl' use, there's ethical hacking etc...
but I do agree I probably see it as a very all around term and shall take you're advice with utmost gratitude :D
thank guys for the help!
now i'm off to learn some more :)



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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2013, 06:09:46 AM »

So, a friend of mine said you can actually trace someone, even though he uses a proxy (I use openvpn) because of some code that is specially made for your pc or something, is this true?

The MAC address?

Offline Snayler

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Re: virtual machine question
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2013, 06:17:38 AM »
The MAC address?
No, the MAC address only matters in your local network. Let's put it like this: When a packet goes from your computer to the router, it has as source your computer's MAC address and as destination your gateway MAC. After that, it assumes the Router/modem MAC address as source and the next node's MAC as destination, and so on...


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