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Author Topic: Cybercops - Hacker Documentary  (Read 3055 times)

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Offline geXXos

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Cybercops - Hacker Documentary
« on: March 09, 2013, 10:13:25 PM »

This is an enjoyable film.

The documentary offers a coverage of HOPE and Defcon conferences as a way to introduce hackers to the viewer. Cult of the Dead Cow (CDC) is prominently featured with interviews of Deth Vegetable and Sir Dystic. The two talk about the rationale for developing and releasing tools to circumvent security in Windows systems as a way to increase awareness and security of Microsoft's products. At the same time, viewers are presented with clips of wild CDC parties and theatrical presentations at the conferences. The rest of this segment covers Chris Rouland and his crew discussing and carrying out intelligence gathering at the two conferences looking for new tools, hacking methods and future hacker stars.

A large chunk of the documentary is dedicated to interviews with Law Enforcement agents and private companies discussing various types of hacking attacks against Internet users, e-commerce sites, financial system and kids. A segment with a USSS Electronic Crimes Task Force special agent, Nancy Yule, talks about the ease with which hackers can see everything that Internet users do on their computers with tools such as CDC's Back Orifice. Nancy advises never to purchase anything online to a group of wide-eyed agents. At the same time, she advises police officers just how easy it is to intercept and modify communications sent by portable computer terminals in their cars.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 10:21:01 PM by geXXos »


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