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Author Topic: Any Advice here?  (Read 1982 times)

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Offline pyte

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Any Advice here?
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:30:47 AM »
I never really had interest in hacking till someone stole my school project 2 hours before the very moment i was to submit it.
the anger and curiosity drove mt a a great search and the state of what is me today.
two years down the line I've got to love this stuff but really im not sure if im doing it right.
first i concentrated on wireless security,how to obtain a pass and join into a network and now im thinking of how to gain access into other machines in the network where i can now test some of the tools I've managed to write in python.
im i in the right truck or is there anything im missing ?
kindly advice.
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Offline Superflu0usRoot

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Re: Any Advice here?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2013, 09:27:16 PM »
If you've gotten down network architecture, that's not a bad start. Something that will be a huge benefit to you is learning how an operating system works, and how the security there works. Hacking isn't so much of a science as an art. There is ALWAYS a way in, and the way you get in has a lot more to do with style than anything else.

Python isn't a bad way to start, but depending on what it is you want to do, you will have to learn how that can interface with what you're wanting to "hack". Want to keylog? probably not going to use python for that (though I'm sure you could). Want to find an exploit in a web server? Python may help you find it, but you'll need to either SQL inject or learn linux well enough to get what you want.

Hope that helps, check out the tutorial section for more, and remember, Google is your friend.
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