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Author Topic: Online talent search  (Read 938 times)

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Online talent search
« on: January 17, 2013, 10:46:16 PM »

found this site , which seems to be  what the title says.
It works like this :
- solve problems designed by companies , in a programming language of your choice (e.g.  cpp , java, python )
- gather points for each problem solved
- increase your rank at the leaderboards
- apply for a job at /get recruited by amazon , Facebook , airbnb , i dont even know..

Definitely gonna check it out sometime soon , though i'm pretty much a total noob

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Re: Online talent search
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 02:18:54 AM »
This has no correlation with the original post, but I have heard this name before prometheus.

I used to work for subway and had a regular customer, after speaking with this older gentleman, I found out he was an old school hacker. I found out because I told him my major in college and some of my hobbies.

Anyway, he was one of the first few in the HomeBrew Computer Club, and has seen and worked on many things, even along side Woz and other big names. He has coached me in C and taught me many things I hold of high standards in hacking, programming, and general ethics of codemonkeys. I still don't know his real name, but I know what he wants from subway (footlong meatball on wheat, light in the sauce, provolone cheese, toasted, with green pepper and onion, extra cheese and spices if avail.)

The only name I knew him by was Prometheus, he never told me how he spelled it, or where I can find him online. But I know for a fact he was legit from the things he has told me, and coached me on.

So this name you bear, do it justice. Learn what you can and be what the man I once knew did.
(This would have been posted in your intro, but the thread was too old, so I am sharing my story now.)

As for the original post, nice find. I been looking for something to hone what I know. isn't really for me, too math heavy. Nice find.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 02:19:45 AM by techb »
>>>import this


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Re: Online talent search
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 07:54:51 PM »
Thanks for sharing your story techb ! It's remarkable how much of an impact ''Prometheus'' had on you, even though you never got to learn his real name. People like these are landmarks on a man's life and surely brighten it up ! The ''random''
(meaning out of nowhere ) often leave the most beautiful memories ( sorry for all the cheesiness ) ! I hope that as i grow up, i too will have stories like this to tell.

It's a nice coincidence that the handle i chose for myself is the same as the one the man you are referring to had. I will try and make the most out of myself and do it as you said ''justice''  :)


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