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Author Topic: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?  (Read 4511 times)

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First of all if you are here expecting some porno video then sorry for disappointing you these are not the blackholes you've seen in interracial video . so

You may google the lhc projects which were banned because some scientists believe that it is possible that by collision of hydrogen of atoms at a speed more than that of light some blackhole might form-and it could absorb the earth's matter.
Read the above article , though it denies that theory stating that those microblackholes will consume mostly x*10^-26 kg of mass in their life span.

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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2013, 09:02:23 PM »
First of all if you are here expecting some porno video then sorry for disappointing you these are not the blackholes you've seen in interracial video . so

You may google the lhc projects which were banned because some scientists believe that it is possible that by collision of hydrogen of atoms at a speed more than that of light some blackhole might form-and it could absorb the earth's matter.
Read the above article , though it denies that theory stating that those microblackholes will consume mostly x*10^-26 kg of mass in their life span.

Lol! Blackholes aren't created by just smashing together a few atoms and the atoms don't move faster than the speed of light because that is impossible.


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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2013, 09:10:15 PM »
I read the exact words in one of those LHC related articles,  that they did it by colliding hydrogen atoms :/

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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 09:25:01 PM »
Nothing can go faster than the speed of light, therefore you can never have collisions at faster than the speed of light (you can have their combined speed or velocity be more but you can never have two atoms colliding when both are faster than the speed of light).  There will never be a man made black hole to be a threat.  They would die out before we noticed them, they'd be a microblack hole.  This was all discussed a long time ago, see:
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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2013, 09:47:55 PM »
It says about accelerating them to the speed of light .And correct me if I am wrong aren't there theories today about some particles or waves that can travel faster than light ? I remember reading about it somewhere

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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2013, 09:58:40 PM »
It says about accelerating them to the speed of light .And correct me if I am wrong aren't there theories today about some particles or waves that can travel faster than light ? I remember reading about it somewhere

That was a hardware error. We can't actual speed up atoms to the speed of light but we can get very close.

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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2013, 02:12:31 AM »
Yeah, they're called neutrinos. We have known about them for a long while, but the media brought them to mass misinformative attention about them being faster than light, due to an improper experiment. I think it was a fiber optic cable attached improperly or something.
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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2013, 12:47:44 PM »
Nothing can go faster than the speed of light,

It can be done in a way. Like : if you keep accelerating any object at a starte line in space where on nothing is in its way (not even air) , it will reach and pass the speed of light . But then it will escape the fabric of that time, so in a way its fair enough to say it didnt happen. But it did.
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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2013, 12:58:20 PM »
According to Einstein's theory of relativity, no particle can attain a speed greater than or equal to that of light. However,even the relative velocity of the particles cannot be greater than that of light because as a particle approaches the speed of light, the time slows down in order to decrease its speed.

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Re: [article's URL] manmade blackholes possible or are a threat ?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2013, 10:01:18 PM »
It can be done in a way. Like : if you keep accelerating any object at a starte line in space where on nothing is in its way (not even air) , it will reach and pass the speed of light . But then it will escape the fabric of that time, so in a way its fair enough to say it didnt happen. But it did.

No you're wrong.  The only way one can go "faster" (you're not really going faster, you can theoretically be still and yet still be moving faster than the speed of light) than the speed of light is to bend time and space around you in a bubble (ie. a warp bubble/drive) and that is possible.  It only requires the energy of the voyager 1 probe as pure energy.  We have never done it, but that is the *only* way to go faster.
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