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Author Topic: Office Depot New Laptop  (Read 4904 times)

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Offline mithindrail

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Office Depot New Laptop
« on: December 21, 2012, 11:48:03 AM »
Hello All,

I recently got a call from Office Depot, after sending in my computer for a hardware repair - stating the computer had an accidental misuse of handling and they cannot replace it because my model (ASUS U46E-BAL7) is no longer carried with them. So instead, they are giving me a gift card of $800. I have been trying to find a good laptop since. I plan on using my laptop for university work, a virtual penetration testing lab with VMware Workstation, photography, web design and programming (C, Python, Ruby, ASM). I would appreciate any insight because I suck at shopping xD.

I have to work with ( because it only includes Office Depot products. I don't care really care about looks and only the power and hardware (nothing flimsy or too small). Really, I need to narrow it down to a brand and a few laptops. Ideally, I would buy the Asus G75VW ( but I don't really know if I need to swing that much money for a laptop right now, small funds and all. Or do you think an HP Envy is good ( Do you think I NEED a dedicated video card?

I appreciate any insight. Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 11:55:41 AM by mithindrail »


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