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Author Topic: "Pilot down: Behind enemy lines" mini-review  (Read 509 times)

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Offline Kulverstukas

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"Pilot down: Behind enemy lines" mini-review
« on: December 15, 2013, 09:54:40 AM »

The stealth-oriented action game is set in occupied Europe in the winter of 1944. As the title suggests, players control downed American pilot Lieutenant Bill Foster behind German lines. Aside from sneaking about and shooting Nazis en route to Switzerland, Foster will be subject to the extreme environmental conditions, requiring players to attend to food and shelter as well.

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My input:
Another great stealth games. It is rare to see some like this. The game is very long, everything has to be planned and thought through. Something that stands out in this game is that you are affected by hunger and cold, so during the game you also have to warm up by the fire, making one if you can't find any, and find to eat something.
However I didn't like that you can't save whenever you want, or even at checkpoints. Your game is saved before each level starts and that's it. You get checkpoints during the level, but if you want to load the game, you have to start the whole level all over. That was really annoying and one of the reasons I didn't finish this game...
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 09:54:56 AM by Kulverstukas »


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